(Minghui.org) As World Falun Dafa Day is celebrated around the world, I am sharing my story to testify to the health benefits of this practice.

After I was diagnosed with severe heart disease in 1997, I went to the hospital but was told there was nothing they could do to help me. I stayed in bed for a few days, unable to eat as I waited for death. Then I remembered my neighbor Lin once told me how she recovered from her ailments after practicing Falun Dafa and invited me to try it. Because my family was poor, I had to work long hours every day, plus take care of the children and do the household chores, so I turned her down.

Back then I thought that I would join Lin and practice when I had time. But life was unpredictable and it seemed I would die before I had time to practice. So I made up my mind that, if I did not die that night, I would go to Lin’s to learn the practice the next day. In my mind, it didn’t matter if the practice resolved my illnesses, I just wanted to practice with Lin.

That was a long night. I passed out several times and almost died. My husband pressed my acupuncture points again and again, bringing me back to life. Finally dawn came and I was ready to go. Somehow my heartbeat was regular at the time. Although I was very weak and did not even have the strength to open my eyes, my husband was able to help me get to Lin’s place. Before that, I could not stand, let alone walk.

Lin let us in, helped me sit on a bench, and recited several articles by Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, to me. After spending a few minutes cleaning the room, she began to show me the exercises. Suddenly I had energy and was able to learn the first, third, and fourth exercises without taking a break. Worried about my condition, Lin suggested that I sit on the bed to do the second exercise. But I said, “No need,” since I wasn’t tired at all. I was able to stand while I learned the exercise.

One has to stand for a relatively long time to do the second exercise, so after we finished that one, Lin told me to go home and come back the next day. My husband said the same, so we left. It was not until I got home that I realized I walked home without my husband having to hold me up. I climbed right up the stairs and it was not difficult at all.

I was shocked, excited, and confused: Had I recovered? Was this real? Before that, I could not eat or drink. If I did, the water or food would come right back up. I went inside and poured myself a cup of water. Since I was able to walk, I decided to try drinking. And there was no problem at all. I was so happy—a person like me on the verge of death was cured just by learning the Falun Dafa exercises!

I began to care for myself and do the household chores. I found all the dirty clothes and bedsheets and hand washed all of them. I did not feel tired at all; it was as if I was a new person. Besides heart disease, I also stomachaches, hepatitis, high blood pressure, and an ear problem. My head hummed all day long. There was never a day when I did the household chores without pain. But now all of that was gone and I was happier than ever.

I am so grateful that Master Li gave me a second life. I feel so very fortunate. I also hope that those who do not know Falun Dafa find out about it and benefit from the practice.