(Minghui.org) On the 25th World Falun Dafa Day, I would like to express my gratitude for Master’s compassionate salvation and my appreciation for fellow practitioners’ encouragement.

I obtained Falun Dafa in 1996, when I was 15. It was a time when Falun Dafa was widely spreading in China. Group exercise sites were everywhere in my city. There were several group exercise sessions at different times of the day in one nearby park. Fellow practitioners and I shared our cultivation experiences if we had time after the exercises. It was the best time ever. My xinxing improved quickly. I could feel tremendous changes in my health and spirit.

However, due to my heavy workload at school and my poor self-discipline, I stopped practicing in early 1999. I became more lost as the propaganda started smearing Falun Dafa and the government launched the persecution later that year. I knew that Falun Dafa had been wronged, but I didn’t know what to do and couldn’t get in touch with any fellow practitioners. I fell behind in my cultivation.

I was in a car accident in the winter of 2003, and it became my second turning point and brought me back to the righteous path of cultivation.

I was sitting in the passenger seat of an SUV on an icy road. The driver lost control of the vehicle, ran into oncoming traffic, and had a head-on collision with a truck. Our car was destroyed. Our driver's neck and ribs were fractured, which left him with life-long injuries. The truck hit our car right where I was sitting. My clavicle was injured, but recovered in less than a month. Everyone thought it didn’t make sense, but I knew that Master had protected me, and I shouldn’t continue to slide down.

During the time when I was in the hospital, a fellow practitioner got in touch with me and brought the latest issue of Minghui Weekly to my hospital bed. I learned of the latest developments about Falun Dafa in the world and learned what I should do. I read an article about the persecution of Falun Dafa aloud to the other people in the same room. A nurse reported me to the police. Two policemen came and interrogated me in the hospital. They asked me if I practiced Falun Dafa and if I would continue to practice. I told them, “Yes, I did and I will.” They left without saying much.

After I was released from the hospital, I bought some blank CDs and had 300 CDs of truth clarification materials burned at a specialty business. I had no fear, though I knew that the employees of the business could report me to the police. After I bought my own equipment, I started making my own CDs at home. I’m still making them.

My job requires me to commute between several cities. I don’t have any contact with fellow practitioners. I study the Fa by myself and visit the Minghui website, but I don’t feel lonely in my cultivation. With Master and the Fa in my mind, I’m able to persist in making improvements, clarifying the truth, and walking on the path to my true origin.

I would like to tell fellow practitioners who haven’t stepped out to clarify the truth, “Hurry up! Time is pressing! Don’t be distracted or get lost in various desires. Let’s save more sentient beings. The only way to find the meaning of life and head toward a bright future is to distinguish the good and the bad with a clear mind.”

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)