(Minghui.org) Greetings, Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners across the world!

I started practicing Falun Dafa 27 years ago, but I was not diligent, especially after I married and had a child. I lived like an everyday person. I knew Falun Dafa was good, but I seldom studied the Fa or practiced the exercises. I resumed practicing after I retired.

Along with my studying the Fa and reading Minghui Weekly, I started to clarify the truth to people. I’d like to tell you my story.

On the evening of January 17, 2024, my son and I went to the home of his good friend (also a junior high school classmate) to visit his parents. Because I wanted to clarify the truth to them, I brought a truth-clarification calendar and amulets. Unfortunately, his classmate and the classmate’s mother were not there. Only his classmate’s father was at home. After we briefly chatted, I started to talk about Falun Dafa.

This classmate’s father had doubts, and asked some sharp questions. Although I wanted to explain clearly and told him everything I could think of, he was not easily persuaded and kept silent out of politeness. I felt he didn’t accept what I said, so I didn’t ask him to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I just gave him the calendar and amulet.

The outcome was not satisfactory. I felt the main reason was that my fear mentality came out, and I even spoke in a low voice. I saw a mobile phone on his sofa, and I subconsciously moved it to the table next to me.

After we left, I found that my son was unhappy. I thought, “What did I do wrong? He agrees with Dafa.” My son said, “You said too much. His father didn’t accept it, but you still talked, but you didn’t get to the point. You couldn’t answer the three questions he asked. You should have just given him the desk calendar, and let him learn about it on his own.”

I quickly reviewed what I said when I clarified the truth. I indeed said too much. I was also long-winded because I was afraid that people wouldn’t understand, so I kept repeating myself. It was also true that some of the things I said didn’t hit the mark.

My son then said, “What will they think of me when I go to their house again?” Seeing my son’s sad expression made me feel very uncomfortable, as if I had made a mistake. We were all silent.

After a while, I changed my mind and thought: That’s not right. When I clarify the truth to a stranger, I do so without worries or pressure. But this time, I felt uncomfortable about how my son would interact with that classmate in the future. I calmly thought about it and realized that it was because I hadn’t let go of my emotional feelings for my son. I was also concerned about my reputation. This was the first time that I had clarified the truth to others in front of my son. My explanation was not very good, and I did not establish a good image in front of my son. All these are human attachments.

Master said,

“Get rid of any attachment you have, and don’t think about anything. Just do everything a Dafa disciple should do, and everything will be covered.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the Washington, D.C. International Fa Conference,” in Guiding the Voyage)

When I thought of Master’s teaching, I understood it immediately and felt much better. I believed that the understanding side of my son would definitely understand me.

Then I found another attachment – selfishness. I did not consider the feelings of the other person—I only cared about my own feelings. Talking incessantly is like reciting lines. If I had gotten the message across, the results would have been better. It’s not about how much I said, but making sure that the message can be readily understood and accepted.

The next day, I talked to my son as usual, and he was fine. Later, I heard that he and that classmate still socialized. I didn’t ask about his classmate’s father. I firmly believed that I did what a Dafa disciple should do, and this parent would definitely understand the truth.

Looking back on the past 20 years, I wasted a lot of time. Compared with those Dafa disciples who are diligent in their cultivation, I am far behind. I will work hard to catch up. Regarding Dafa, my understanding is not broad. In the end, it is because I have not studied the Fa enough. Only by studying the Fa more in the future can we do the three things well.

Thank you, Master.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)