(Minghui.org) Master Li Hongzhi, Falun Dafa’s founder, has compassionately saved my life twice. I’d like to tell you about some of my experiences.

Migraine Headaches Disappear

I studied hard in high school to get into a good college. Due to my heavy school workload, I suffered severe migraine headaches, which seriously affected me. I went to doctors and took medication, but nothing worked. I was anxious and became depressed. I could not concentrate on studying, and my grades began dropping. My parents advised me to let nature take its course, but I just could not let go of it. I lived in a state of confusion all day long. I even thought about suicide. As a result, I scored poorly on the college entrance examination and failed to get into my desired college.

I tried to study hard in college, so I had books with me all day long. I did not experience joy or romance like most college students. I stayed up late studying, which made my severe migraines even worse. I started to display extreme emotional instability, a suspicious personality and all the signs of neurasthenia, a condition involving complete exhaustion of the central nervous system. I became extremely emotional when anything bad happened. I often woke up in the middle of the night and could not fall asleep. I lost confidence in life and became a frequent hospital visitor.

While exercising on the campus of Tianjin University one morning in March 1997, I saw a group of people practicing slow-moving exercises. The mellow music attracted me and I walked towards them. A practitioner greeted me and taught me the exercises. I followed him in performing the exercises several times. I felt so good afterwards, that I wanted to continue doing the exercises.

Just with this simple thought, my migraine headache disappeared! I felt calm and peaceful. I felt like a new person! Falun Dafa is amazing, so I decided to make time in my busy schedule to practice it.

I began reading Zhuan Falun, Falun Dafa’s main book, and practicing the exercises every day. I require myself to act in according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and to be kind and considerate. My competitive attitude changed. I no longer fought back when I was criticized, and I no longer bullied my younger brothers and sisters for not studying hard. Seeing the changes in me, my parents became supportive of my practicing Falun Dafa. My family has become harmonious and happier.

I Recover From Osteomyelitis

I had severe bone and bone marrow inflammation (osteomyelitis) when I was a child. My legs were red, swollen, and so painful that I could not walk. After visiting many hospitals, we were told that I had acute purulent bone marrow inflammation. The doctor in the Mining Bureau Hospital said that my bones were brittle and damaged. Fortunately, I arrived at the hospital in time. Otherwise, an amputation would have been inevitable. They immediately operated on me.

After a year I could stand up and walk. My legs were now the same length. The tests were negative for any abnormal cell or tissue growth. The doctor said that the chance of recurrence of my disease could be high. My parents were frightened and did not allow me to do any hard work, for fear that I might get tired and the condition would return.

Master said,

“When your body is seen from another dimension, the bones are covered in black patches.” (Lecture Two, Zhuan Falun)

I was a person with “black bones,” Master referred to in Zhuan Falun. My bones were not only black, but the bone marrow was damaged. Master still saved me.

After I began practicing cultivation, my legs were increasingly sore, red, swollen, and painful. In traditional medicine, this was considered a recurrence of osteomyelitis. To me, it was an elimination of sickness karma, and I knew Master was purifying my body.

Gradually, the red areas turned black and purple, and the swelling increased. The pain intensified day by day, especially at night. I often squeezed my legs hard with both hands to relieve the pain. I felt that I endured the most unbearable pain possible. I repeatedly recited “On Dafa” and Hong Yin, especially the poem “Tempering One’s Heart and Will.” I wept and asked Master for help.

I was unable to stand and had to lie on the bed in one position. Seeing me in pain, my parents advised me to go to the hospital. I said that, as a Falun Dafa practitioner, I would not do such a thing. A true cultivator does not get sick—I was eliminating karma. I was confident. I grit my teeth and persevered.

A big swollen black and purple pustule on my leg suddenly burst, and blood and thick yellow pus oozed out. As the pustule started to shrink, the heart-wrenching pain gradually diminished and I no longer felt that this was a life and death experience. I repeatedly listened to Master’s Fa lectures and did the exercises as long as I could. As the swelling went down, I felt I won a battle.

About six weeks later, the skin on my legs healed. If I had not practiced Dafa, I don’t know what would have happened to me. I might have been crippled, paralyzed, or perhaps not survived. The miraculous power of Dafa was manifested in me.

It was Falun Dafa that gave me a second life. Master saved my life twice. I cannot express my gratitude in words! To live up to Master’s compassionate salvation and his expectations, I will diligently study the Fa and practice the exercises.

Passing on the Goodness of Dafa to Others

I’ve practiced Falun Dafa for more than 20 years, but I still can’t let go of many deep-rooted bad human notions. I continue studying the Fa, looking inward, and practicing the exercises. I treat every person with kindness, including those police who persecuted me. I would like to pass on the goodness of Dafa to all people, with the hope that they can also be blessed.

As a teacher, I’ve taught the children the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I told them that the “Tiananmen self-immolation” incident is a hoax staged to smear Falun Dafa. I let them know that practitioners do not kill lives or commit suicide. They all believed what I said and enjoyed my class, especially those that were previously troublemakers and frequently truants. After attending my class for one semester, some of them started to enjoy studying, and later they were all admitted to college.

I got along well with my coworkers. I never competed with them for fame or personal gain. Nor did I fight for job titles or promotions. They truly felt that practitioners had high morals and they did not believe the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) slander against Falun Dafa. Some of them read the Dafa books and truth-clarifying materials I gave them, and happily quit the CCP. Some even helped distribute materials to their friends and family.

To let more people understand the truth, I keep Dafa materials in my bag at all times and put them in people’s bike baskets or on car handles whenever I can. I told people the goodness of Dafa by telling them about my personal experiences. I often rode my bicycle to distant villages after work and on weekends to distribute truth-clarifying materials. Although it was dangerous to ride a bike in the dark, Master always protected me.

Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) is a profound spiritual practice, which teaches people to cultivate their xinxing and become good people by following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. It can cleanse people’s bodies and purify their minds. It is now practiced in more than 100 countries and regions worldwide.