(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1999, at the time when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the persecution. I once strayed, but with other practitioners’ help, I returned to cultivation. I’ve since been diligent in doing the three things.

Apart from holidays, I typically go out every day after work with other practitioners to clarify the truth and tell people about the unjust nature of the persecution.

I also sometimes go out alone to put up posters with information about Falun Dafa, or spray paint truth clarification messages on walls. Every few nights, I join two other practitioners. We ride our electric bikes and we each carry a hundred copies of informational brochures. We distribute them to villages within a 10 to 15 km radius. After returning home, I read the Fa and do the exercises.

Eliminating My Resentment

When I first went out with other practitioners to clarify the truth, I didn’t know what to say. After Ding explained what I needed to do, I tried. I rode my bicycle, and she rode alongside me on her electric bike. Whenever we encountered people, she handed me a truth clarification book and said, “Give them a book!” I was able to persuade people to quit the CCP.

We often saw farmers weeding, harvesting crops, or irrigating their fields. Seeing them working hard under the scorching sun, I really didn’t feel like going out there. Seeing Ding sitting on her electric bike in the shade of a tree made me even more reluctant. I thought, “Why are you always bossing me around and telling me what to do?” I then thought that perhaps this was a good opportunity arranged by Master, to save people and help me improve. So I walked into the fields.

But after a while, my resentment resurfaced. One day after I just finished clarifying the truth to someone, I said to Ding, “You are like my boss.” To my surprise, she replied, “I am your boss!”

I was taken aback by her response. Why did I always feel so indignant? Master said, “The more the junior monk suffers, the easier it is for him to achieve the Unlocking of Gong.” (Lecture Seven, Zhuan Falun)

I told myself that I should cultivate genuinely like a junior monk, and be willing to endure hardships. With this mentality, I smiled at her from the bottom of my heart. From then on, when we went out to clarify the truth together, I always took the initiative to approach people.

Eliminating My Attachment to Money

I saw a small roll of money lying on the ground on my way to a supermarket in 2003. I thought to myself, “No loss, no gain. If it’s not mine, I won’t take it.”

A few days later, a woman on a bicycle sped past me on my left. Suddenly, money flew out of her pocket and scattered on the ground. There were 100-yuan and 50-yuan notes. I looked up, but she was already too far ahead. Calling her back was impossible, I thought, “If it’s not mine, I won’t take it. Whoever is meant to have it will get it!” I rode my bike home.

A month later, my husband and I were riding our bicycles to run some errands. It was dark by the time we headed back. He was pushing his bike in front, and I followed him. I saw some money on the ground under the streetlight. I said, “There’s some money.” I told him not to pick it up because it wasn’t ours. He said, “Why wouldn’t you pick up money? If you don’t pick it up, I will.” He counted over 300 yuan and put it in his pocket.

Two days later, our son went to school and lost his new bicycle, for which we paid over 300 yuan. I called my husband, and he said, “That bike cost over 300 yuan. It seems that we really shouldn’t have picked up that money!”

Eliminating Negative Thoughts

I frequently had negative thoughts, which seriously interfered with my cultivation. This went on for a long time. At first, I didn’t notice it. For example, if my husband or son went out and didn’t return until late at night, I was worried and thought: “Could something bad have happened?” This became a regular occurrence, and it escalated. Whenever anyone in my family did anything to cause me to worry, I anxiously said, “Oh no, could something bad have happened?” I was constantly worried about my family.

Over time, this caused a feeling of congestion and compression in my chest, making me feel anxious and uneasy. There was also an indescribable, very uncomfortable feeling in my heart. It affected me doing the three things and, for a long time, I couldn’t understand why this happened.

Because of a minor issue, my son once suddenly shouted at me, “You’ll only be happy when you see me die!” Hearing this, my head buzzed, and I was dumbfounded. I looked at him in shock, wondering how he could say something like that. When I discussed this with other practitioners, they said it was caused by my negative thoughts. It was compassionate Master who, seeing that I wasn’t enlightened, used my son’s words to give me a hint.

I was determined to eliminate these negative thoughts. I happened to meet a practitioner from another area. When I shared this issue with her, she told me that she also used to have negative thoughts. When these bad thoughts arose, she imagined several blenders in front of her, which crushed those things.

I learned to distinguish negative thoughts and, with a strong main consciousness, I followed the way the practitioner eliminated (crushed) them. It really worked. I’d like to thank her. Now, whenever these negative thoughts appear, I can promptly eliminate them from the root and crush them. I’m happy, and a smile has returned to my face.

Eliminating Police Harassment

After I filed a lawsuit against former CCP head Jiang Zemin in 2015, my supervisor asked someone to bring me to his office. Pushing open his office door, I saw two officers from the police station. They said they needed to verify my involvement in the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin. After asking a few questions, they let me go back to work.

In spring of the following year, I arrived home about half an hour earlier than my husband. After he came home from work, he didn’t say anything to me but answered his phone. I overheard someone talking on the other end, “You’re home? We’re almost there!” I asked who was coming, and he replied, “Officers from the police station.” I became anxious and upset: “You knew they were coming and didn’t tell me in advance. Are you colluding with the police against me?”

I was anxious, angry, and scared. I suddenly remembered that a printer and computer were in our north room. What should I do? It was too late to hide them. I didn’t know where I found the courage and strength, but I quickly slammed the door of the room shut and pulled out the key. I then hurried into my son’s room (my son works out of town and wasn’t home), locked the door from the inside, and covered the more than 300 truth clarification booklets on the bed with a sheet. I sat on the bed thinking that I was ready to face whatever came next.

I heard my husband let the officers in and invite them to sit down. They asked him where I was, saying they wanted to see me (at that time, I hadn’t realized that the police were also victims, and that I should compassionately clarify the truth to them).

From the room, I shouted, “What do you want to see me for? You’ve caused me so much suffering. Just because I practice Falun Dafa to improve my health and be a good person, you arrested me, extorted tens of thousands of yuan from my family, and almost destroyed us. What do you want now? Practicing Falun Dafa is legal. What you’re doing is aiding the evil, and you’ll have to pay for it in the future.”

A young officer said, “Ma’am, please come out, our leader wants to see you.” I replied, “I’m not coming out.” The stand off lasted for more than thirty minutes. I refused to open the door and they left.

I reflected on the incident and realized I couldn’t have had such courage without Master’s support, as I was generally a timid person.

About a month later, my husband and I were home at night when we heard someone knocking on the door. My husband opened it, and two young men came in, saying they were from the police station and wanted to photograph me. I said, “Don’t bother with that, we can just talk.“ I invited them to sit down and I sat next to them.

One of the officers said, “We didn’t want to come here, but our leader insisted. Can you tell us what Falun Dafa is all about?“

I explained, “Falun Dafa is a high-level cultivation practice of the Buddha school that teaches people to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Since Master Li Hongzhi began teaching Falun Dafa in 1992, it spread to over a hundred countries and regions, gaining widespread admiration. There were about one hundred million people practicing Falun Dafa in China by 1999. But Jiang Zemin fabricated the Tiananmen Square self-immolation hoax to frame Falun Dafa.

“Looking back at the CCP’s history, every political movement has resulted in the deaths of many innocent people, with over 80 million lives lost. The CCP is now persecuting Falun Dafa and harvesting organs from its practitioners for profit, which will bring divine retribution. Hundreds of millions of people worldwide have quit the CCP to ensure their safety. You should also consider quitting the CCP organizations you joined.”

They happily provided their names and agreed to withdraw from the CCP’s organizations. Before they left, I advised them to stop participating in the persecution, and they agreed.