(Minghui.org) I am 63 years old. I started practicing Falun Dafa in 2001. I would like to share with practitioners my experiences of clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings over the past year.

The pandemic has lasted over four years. Many people lost their lives during the pandemic. In addition, some people who are still misled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are losing their lives. In order to save sentient beings, practitioner husband Liang (alias), his wife Mimi (alias), and I are on the front line of clarifying the truth.

During the lockdown, we rented a unit in an old building that held simple facilities. There were a few surveillance cameras on the property, which was convenient for us. We got up at two or three o’clock in the morning, did the Dafa exercises and sent forth righteous thoughts. We studied the Fa for half a day, and then we went out to clarify the truth to people for another half a day. Mimi, who was 67 years old, sat at the back of my scooter, and we went to the streets to clarify the truth to people. Liang, who was 70 years old, carried pamphlets and calendars, which we distributed. He put up sticky posters everywhere, which opened up a good energy field for us.

Master Arranged Predestined People

One day we had with us 40 truth-clarification calendars when we went to the market. Few people or cars were on the road. We went to two markets, but nearly no one was there. People stayed at home because of the pandemic. We asked Master to arrange for predestined people to come and listen to us telling them the facts. Soon some people appeared in the village, in the fields and on the road. We clarified the truth to whoever we met and asked them to withdraw from the CCP organizations. People listened to us and accepted what we told them. They thanked us repeatedly. We covered over 10 miles and gave out all the calendars. Thirty-one people agreed to quit the CCP.

One morning Liang brought 50 calendars with him. Three of us went to a labor market at 5 a.m. On the way to the market, we sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Master to have predestined people meet with us.

When we arrived at the second labor market, over 20 people were already there. We gave out the calendars and asked them to withdraw from the CCP organizations. One lady came to us and asked for the calendar. She asked if we had given her a Falun Dafa amulet at the river side and thanked us. I clarified the truth to her. She was very thankful to Master. The laborers in the market listened to us and asked for calendars. That lady asked for another copy for her boss. Some laborers asked for more calendars for their friends. We gave out calendars to everyone we met. We gave out over 20 calendars.

We went to the third labor market. There were many people there. I gave out the calendars and clarified the truth to them until all of our calendars were given out.

We helped over 50 people quit the CCP that day.

Whenever there were few people on the road or at the place where we went, we asked Master to arrange for people to come. Soon they appeared.

Letting People Know Why Master Published Articles for Them

When Master published the article “How Humankind Came To Be,” I realized the Fa rectification of the world had started. We should send this article to every sentient being and provide an opportunity for them to be saved. I brought 30 pamphlets and the Minghui Weekly with me every day and distributed them. Additionally I clarified the truth to everyone we met and asked them to withdraw from the CCP and its youth organizations.

We went to a market which was far away from my home. We gave out fliers and clarified the truth to people we met. When people didn’t accept the material, we told them that Master’s article “How Humankind Came to Be” was published. They accepted them immediately and said that they would read the materials carefully.

Two people were in front of the sapling stall. Mimi gave each of them a copy. The other practitioner looked at the article and said, “Wasn't it written by Master Li?” He pointed at another person and asked Mimi to give a copy to that person. Mimi clarified the truth to them, and they quit the CCP. We heard someone ask us loudly if we still had copies of the article. We looked back and saw another person come to the stall. We gave him a copy and clarified the truth to him.

We came across a man on the road and gave him an amulet and a pamphlet. He said that he had read our materials and that the CCP was so wicked that it harvested organs from living people. He asked us to be careful and also asked for another pamphlet for his neighbor.

Two elderly men were working in the field. We clarified the truth to them. We told them that Master published an article entitled “How Humankind Came to Be” and some of its content. One of them said that what Master said was very good. He agreed to quit the CCP.

Having Righteous Thoughts and Avoiding Risks

One day we were walking in the market and saw two plainclothes policemen coming towards us. One of them had a video camera hanging in front of his chest. To be safe we went to another place to clarify the truth to people.

At the north end of the market, we saw an elderly man sitting in a tricycle. Mimi gave him a calendar. I started to clarify the truth to him. As I talked, he suddenly said, “Stop talking. Look at the car coming.” I turned around and saw a police car park beside me.

Master said,

“Under trying circumstances of any type, you must all keep steady in thought. Just by staying unaffected you will be able to handle all situations.” (“Teachings at the Midwestern U.S. Conference”)

I stayed calm. A young lady asked me how we made the calendar. I told her that we made the calendar with the money out of our own pocket in order to save sentient beings. The police car started to move away at that time. I then clarified the truth to the lady. She agreed to withdraw from the CCP organizations.

When Mimi saw the police car coming, she stopped at a stall with the calendars still in her hands. The police car drove off. Liang had calendars on his scooter. When he saw the police car coming, he stopped. The police car passed him on his left side.

When I clarified the truth to the farmers in the field, they said that the police gave orders to the village committee that villagers were not allowed to have any Falun Gong materials. Despite this, most of them accepted the materials we gave them. They said that they would read whatever they were given after they returned home.

One day we came across an elderly man. I asked him if he would like to have an USB drive with films, documentaries and current affairs I had downloaded. He asked us if we were Falun Gong. When he learned that we were Falun Gong practitioners, he said, “You must stay here today. You cannot leave.” I said, “Falun Gong teaches people to be good. You look kind. We want to make sure that you will be safe when calamities happen.” He didn’t listen to us. He said, “You stay here. Tell me how you should be treated.” Mimi said, “You don’t want the USB drive. I will give you a pendant instead.” He looked at it and said, “I don’t want anything. You can leave now.”

Such incidents happened from time to time. Thanks to Master’s protection and our righteous thoughts, we calmly navigated through risky situations and stayed safe.

One day the three of us came down with fever. I felt cold and my hands were trembling after I arrived home. I knew I must have omissions. I looked within and discovered two issues. One was that I still had the attachment of seeking personal gain. The other was that I had complaints about other practitioners. After I found my attachments, I recovered the next day. Mimi had a slight cold and became normal overnight. Liang recovered quickly as well. We continued going out to clarify the truth to people the next day.

Assisting Master in Fa-rectification and doing the three things are what we do daily. We have learned from the Fa that this is the end stage, and we don’t have much time to waste. We know our mission and will cultivate diligently and save more sentient beings.