(Minghui.org) The 94th Jubilee Day Street Fair was held in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, on June 20, 2024. This is the largest and oldest single-day street fair on the east coast of the United States, which began in 1924. Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) practitioners set up a booth, and many people stopped and talked with them.

People learn about Falun Dafa.

Congressman Appreciates Practitioners

Scott Perry, a U.S. Congressman from Pennsylvania who sponsored the Falun Gong Protection Act in the U.S. Congress, visited the practitioners’ booth. He praised them for their efforts to expose the true nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP): “If they [Falun Gong practitioners] don’t come here, no one will see or know about Falun Gong.” He said it was important to let people know about the CCP’s persecution and organ harvesting in China.

Congressman Scott Perry receives an interview.

Congressman Perry condemned the CCP’s atrocities and said there was no waiting list for organs in China because the CCP sanctions organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience, which leads to their death. This must be exposed and stopped.

He also said that the international community must condemn the CCP and make it clear that these atrocities are unacceptable.

Public Supports the Petition Calling to Stop the Brutality

Insurance broker Heather Fleisher said she heard about organ harvesting for the first time that day. “I can’t imagine people being killed for their beliefs. It’s so sad!” After signing a petition calling for an end to the CCP’s organ harvesting, she said, “If people can stop, listen, and sign the petition, more people will know this information and spread it.”

Heather Fleisher condemned the persecution

This was the first time retired teacher Brenda Hollenbach heard how the CCP harvests organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, but she said she knew the CCP was evil. “This [organ harvesting] is disgusting. Am I shocked? No. Because I know that in a communist society, anyone’s rights may be deprived, including to their own bodies.”

Retired teacher Brenda Hollenbach.

Brenda thanked practitioners for exposing the CCP’s crime because, “Our news media doesn’t report it, which in my opinion is suspicious on many levels.” She continued, “I think as a society we need to raise awareness of this issue, such as telling your friends, posting information on Facebook, and telling your elected officials. I took extra pamphlets and I’ll put them on people’s desks. If everyone does something, the power is great.”

Retired postal worker Bill McGinley said that he had heard about the CCP’s organ harvesting in China before, and knew that there was no waiting time for organ transplants in China, and that the surgery date could be scheduled. He said, “If you don’t know the exact source of the organs, how can you set a specific organ transplant date in advance? This is very suspicious.”

Bill McGinley

McGinley also encouraged practitioners to continue raising awareness. “I think this is very important. You are doing a good job, not putting much pressure on people, just telling people the truth. You need to tell people everything, whether they like it or not. Don’t hesitate, you have to tell everyone.”

He added, “I think if they knew the facts, they would be very concerned and sympathetic. But it takes gradual steps for people to understand and accept the information.”