(Minghui.org) Years ago, before I became a Falun Dafa practitioner, I witnessed two fatal accidents. Because I hesitated to take action both times, I missed the split second available to save two lives. Every time I thought about it, I felt extremely sad. After I began to practice, I didn’t do well at clarifying the facts about Falun Dafa either. I realized that I didn’t have enough compassion or strong will, which affected the outcome of my efforts to help people understand the Fa principles. I’m sharing the two incidents below as a reminder to myself and other practitioners to act quickly to save people.

The first accident happened in 1989 while I was on my way to school. A middle-aged man was riding his bike with a small child sitting on it with him. They were hit by a truck and fell underneath the vehicle. While the man escaped being rolled over by the truck, the girl struggled to stand up and run away. If she had stepped to the side just a little more, she would have been fine. But she was so little and couldn’t make it. In that split second, if I could have acted and taken her out from beneath the truck, she could have been saved. But I didn’t do it and a tragedy occurred. For many years after, the scene kept playing in my mind, reminding me that I needed to act immediately in times of danger. There is no time to hesitate. 

In 1990, I was swimming in a river. While taking a break on the bank, I vaguely heard the sound of people calling for help. I followed the sound and it looked like someone was drowning about 30 to 50 meters away. It was too far away for me to see clearly, so I wanted to wait until I confirmed the person was indeed drowning before taking any action. But he never rose up out of the water again. Once more I regretted my inaction.

After taking up Falun Dafa cultivation, I came to understand the importance of saving people. But at critical moments, I always backed off and then regretted it later. There were so many times that I missed opportunities to talk to people about Dafa. I wanted to wait for a seemingly “better" opportunity, but in some cases, the people I wanted to clarify the facts to passed away before I could talk to them again.

I feel ashamed of myself. I could have reached more people with the truth of Dafa, but my lack of compassion held me back. At those critical moments, I didn’t step forward because I didn’t want to get myself into any unnecessary trouble. I need to seize the limited time remaining ahead, firm up my righteous thoughts, and save more people.