(Minghui.org) We had a lot of snow in my area the first half of December 2023, which made driving dangerous. As a result, I didn’t go out to clarify the truth to people for about 10 days. The weather started to get better, and one fine day, I decided to take a Dafa calendar to my uncle.

The melting snow was dripping off his roof, and the steps in front of his house were very slippery. As I was climbing the steps, I slipped and fell heavily on the ground. As I stumbled to get up, I saw a bump had formed on my hand. My arms felt heavy and my wrist felt a little numb. My uncle asked if I had injured myself, and I told him that I was fine.

After returning home, I told my husband what had happened, and he suggested that I go see the doctor just in case. My heart wavered, so I went to the orthopedic physician in our village. The physician said that I might have fractured a bone and told me to go to the hospital for an X-ray. My son drove me. Looking at the X-ray results, the doctor said, “You've fractured a bone and your arm needs to be in a cast.” I told him that I was fine and didn’t need to do that.

Back home, my son scolded me, asking how my arm could recover without putting a cast on it. I kept sending forth righteous thoughts in my heart. The next day, the whole family chided me. My son and daughter-in-law came to scold me.

A neighbor later told me that there was a highly skilled bone doctor in the neighboring city, so my son and daughter-in-law took me there. The place was crowded. When it was my turn, I let the doctor do whatever he wanted with my arm, but I still sent righteous thoughts in my heart. After the doctor diagnosed a fracture, he bandaged my arm and instructed me to lift a pail with my arm and gradually add water to it. I was told that I needed to train my arm like this for five to six days before the next visit.

After returning home, I thought that, as a cultivator I shouldn’t follow the doctor’s instructions. Instead, I should follow Master’s requirement. Therefore, I started to look within to see what attachments had caused this tribulation since nothing is coincidental. I started off by studying the Fa.

Through Fa-study, I understood that there must be things I did not do well so that the old forces had an excuse to make trouble for me. I looked deeper and found many attachments.

After returning home from spending a few days at my parents' house, I discovered that my son had installed a railing on the steps in front of our house, without my knowledge. I shouted at him for doing that, exposing all my attachments, such as resentment and complaining, impatience, wanting to fight with others, and jealousy. That made him very upset and he lost his temper. Finding these attachments, I was speechless. How could this be the behavior of a cultivator?

Through studying the Fa, I also found that I had not been really studying the Fa. For a long period of time, I had been taking Fa-study as a task, so I could not measure myself with the Fa when problems cropped up. Having studied the Fa for over 20 years, I was really ashamed of myself. I have not been worthy of Master’s benevolent salvation. Having so many attachments, how could I not meet with tribulations? I thus sent forth a strong righteous thought, seeking Master’s empowerment to help get rid of these bad matters!

There is a saying that goes, “Injuries that affect the bones and muscles take a hundred days to heal.” However, my fractured arm fully recovered in 20 days without a cast or taking any medication. This is Dafa’s power! Master has always been protecting me and arranging opportunities for me to look inward and improve in cultivation. Now, I understand the miraculous effect of looking within.

I had not been really cultivating. I talked about believing in Master and the Fa but used my human attachments, thoughts, and emotions to look at Dafa and Master. I used an insincere heart to measure Master and the Fa.

In the future, I can only do well in the three things, measure myself based on the Fa at all times, and use the standards of an enlightened being to assimilate my whole mind and body to Dafa, so that I can return back to my true home.

This is my limited cultivation level. Please kindly let me know where I can improve.