(Minghui.org) A child’s innocent face is like a mirror that reflects his or her pure inner world, and a child’s words of kindness are like a mirror that reveals their genuine care. When six-grade student Wengting received the Moral Intelligence Exemplary Award in 2010 at Hsinchu, Taiwan, one could see these qualities reflected in her.

Wengting (third from left), her parents, and grandmother attend an award ceremony hosted by Hsu Ming-tsai, former mayor of Hsinchu.

In the eyes of her teachers, Wengting always has a positive attitude towards people and events. When facing difficulties, instead of shirking responsibility, she demonstrates patience and conscientiousness, setting a good example for her peers. Her mother explained that Wengting had suffered from illnesses since she was very young, but Falun Dafa gave her good health and showed her how to be kind. Wengting attributes her excellent grades to her practice of Falun Dafa, especially because she follows Dafa’s guiding principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Children at a Minghui club at an elementary school in Taiwan are happy to read Hong Yin, a collection of poems written Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa.

Many children in Taiwan also enjoy such happiness, from regular schools to specialized Minghui Schools. The members of a Minghui Club in an elementary school say they feel like family. They read the Falun Dafa teachings and recite Zhuan Falun and Hong Yin. They also share their stores and watch documentaries. By following principles of Falun Dafa to be good, these children say they “truly enjoy every day.”

Such a positive attitude comes from the practice of Falun Dafa, a meditation system based on five sets of exercises and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Also known as Falun Gong, this practice was introduced to the public by Master Li in 1992 and has benefited practitioners in over 100 countries. Because of the huge benefits on mind and body, Falun Dafa has now received more than 5,000 awards from around the world. Currently available in over 40 languages, many people say that Falun Dafa’s teachings and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance brought them hope.

Minghui School in Canada

Calm and peace at the summer session of the Toronto Minghui School in Canada

Christine said her daughter had a great time when she attended summer camp at the Toronto Minghui School. There were moments of lively excitement and moments of peace and calm. Christine said her daughter also changed a lot for the better. “Hyperactive children like her sat quietly and listened in class. The teacher also showed them how to respect others while taking good care of their personal belongings,” she explained. She said that Falun Dafa’s teachings and exercises help children concentrate on their studies.

Albert, a 12-year-old student in Canada, has attended the Minghui School Summer Camp in Toronto every year. The 2022 session lasted eight weeks, from July 4 to August 25, with nearly 50 participants. In addition to reading the Falun Dafa teachings and doing the exercises, the activities also include Chinese dance, calligraphy, Chinese painting, and other subjects. The students said they had a great time because of the pure environment. They also liked the recently-added programs such as film, making signs, and flyer preparation.

Albert (first from right) and his friends in the flyer preparation team

Albert said the environment is relaxing and productive. He is especially interested in the flyer preparation team because he compiles materials that help tell people the facts about Falun Dafa and exposes the suppression in China.

Children in India Benefit From Falun Dafa

Group exercises at St. Ann’s School, a Catholic school near Bangalore, India

Bangalore is the third most populous city in India, and Verkey, the principal of Jyothi School, said he had a similar reaction to Falun Dafa’s beneficial effects on children. At a national conference for school principals on November 28, 2007, he shared the amazing results of introducing Falun Dafa in his school. He said that many once-rebellious students changed dramatically and their grades also improved significantly.

There are over 80 such schools in India. When they do the Falun Dafa exercises the students look relaxed and serene. Although the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) suppressed the practice since 1999, the regime cannot stop people from pursuing health and happiness, either inside or outside China.

Minghui School in Australia

Similar programs also exist in Australia. During an experience-sharing conference in Sydney on September 17, fourteen young practitioners told their stories of following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to be better people.

Happy faces of young practitioners at the Minghui School in Sydney, Australia

During the conference, a teacher also played a documentary on how Falun Dafa benefited practitioners around the world. Young practitioners were delighted when they saw Master Li in the video. With their hands pressed together, they called out, “Master! Master!” Such genuine happiness comes from the power of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and is testimony to the freedom of belief outside China.

While Falun Dafa is freely practiced in over 100 countries, the CCP has severely persecuted the practice since July 1999, leaving a large number of families, including children, in dire suffering.

(To be continued)