(Minghui.org) I live in the countryside and I began to practice Falun Dafa in the spring of 1998. Before that, I suffered from many ailments, including a heart condition, a herniated lumbar disc, and migraine headaches. I went to the hospital so often that all the doctors knew me.

When my husband first began to practice in 1997, I didn’t believe anyone could improve their health just by doing the Falun Dafa exercises and reading books. One night, my husband was lying in bed experiencing karma elimination. I was half-asleep but could see someone standing next to him--it looked like the author I saw in his Dafa book. I woke him up and told him about it. He opened Zhuan Falun and asked me if the person I saw was Master Li. “Yes, that’s him!”

“Master is purifying my body for me,” my husband told me. When he got up the next morning, all his symptoms were gone as if nothing happened. After that, I began to believe in Dafa’s healing power a little bit.

My husband again tried to persuade me to practice Dafa. He said, “You saw Master purifying me. You should practice too. You have so many ailments.”

I said, “If I see more miraculous scenes, I will practice.”

The next day in our front yard, I saw a large silver Falun spinning above my head. It was so close to me that I could touch it. While spinning, it got larger and larger. After spinning five or six minutes it flew off.

I went in and told my husband about it. He again opened Zhuan Falun and I confirmed that what I saw was a Falun.

I was fully convinced and started to practice Falun Dafa. Four days later, I began to have terrible toothaches and headaches. It felt like my head was splitting open! I also had frequent diarrhea and a bloody discharge. But miraculously, if I had to work in the vegetable field, I didn’t have to use the restroom at all. But as soon as I returned home, it would begin again. After three days of intense body purification, all of my ailments were gone and I have been healthy ever since.

More amazingly, I only went to school for 18 months and didn’t even learn how to write my own name. But with Master’s help, I could read Zhuan Falun on my own. I’m so grateful for everything Master has given me.

The Electric Tricycle

A few days ago, my husband, daughter-in-law, and I went out on an errand. My husband insisted on using the electric tricycle instead of the traditional gas tricycle.

After several miles, I began to feel the tricycle was losing power. I complained about my husband in my heart. But I reminded myself to forbear and not blame him. The urge to complain surfaced a few more times, but I managed to stay quiet.

When we finished the errand and were about to return, we found the tricycle only had 30% power left. In the past, I always blamed my husband. This time, I decided not to say anything—instead I asked Master to help us.

About three miles from home, there was an uphill stretch of about a third of a mile. The battery completely went out when we were halfway up. My husband and daughter-in-law got off. They asked me to steer while they pushed the tricycle from behind. I said to Master in my heart, “Master, please help me.” Before they pushed it, I rotated the throttle, and the tricycle went all the way up to the top of the hill. I stopped and waited for my husband and daughter-in-law to catch up.

Then there was another small hill. I rotated the throttle again and the tricycle easily went up the hill. After my husband and daughter-in-law caught up, I asked both of them to get on and we drove the remaining three miles back home without stopping. Everyone was amazed by our experience. We are so grateful for Master’s help!

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)