(Minghui.org) I began to practice Falun Dafa in 1996. I participated in the group exercises and Fa study. The nagging back pain that had plagued me since giving birth years before soon disappeared. I felt light and full of energy. I could work in the fields without feeling tired. Many of my friends were amazed by my recovery and inspired to begin practicing Falun Dafa.

I continued to practice Dafa even after the communist regime ordered the persecution of Falun Dafa in 1999. Having benefitted from it so much, I’m full of gratitude for Dafa, and I will not give it up. When facing a tribulation, I always remember Master’s compassion and how wonderful Dafa is and I overcome it every time.

Last winter, I suddenly had severe pain in my right knee. I couldn’t sit in the full lotus position to do exercise five, and I walked with a limp. I thought to myself, “I’m a Dafa practitioner and Master is looking after me; I must break through this test. Master purified my body when I took up the practice. He also helped my husband recover from a stroke. My knee pain is not a big deal. As long as I cultivate myself well, I will be able to pass this test.”

Master taught us that karma is the fundamental cause of illness. I can’t let Master endure everything for me, even the karma from my past wrongdoings! What I need to do is to cultivate myself well and improve my xinxing.

My daughter-in-law urged me to go to the hospital. I told her that, as a Dafa practitioner, I’m looked after by Master and I had confidence that I would recover. She didn’t insist.

I increased my Fa study and did the exercises, and the pain in my knee went away. Now, at the age of 73, I can still work in the fields. If I didn’t practice Falun Dafa but went to the hospital instead, I don't think I could have recovered so quickly. I knew someone who spent more than 100,000 yuan for a knee surgery and still walks with a limp.

I’m deeply grateful for Master’s salvation! This is my personal story and I hope more people can benefit from Dafa as I do.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)