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Call For Submissions to Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day Benefits Practitioners Outside China

May 27, 2024 |   By Li Jingfei, a Minghui correspondent in the U.S.

(Minghui.org) Many Falun Dafa practitioners from around the world participated in the 2024 “Call For Submissions to Commemorate World Falun Dafa Day” event organized by Minghui.org. They talked about their stories and experiences of practicing Falun Dafa, to celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the public introduction of Falun Dafa, the 25th World Falun Dafa Day, and the birthday of Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa. They also expressed their gratitude to Master for his compassionate salvation.

Starting with an article by a practitioner in China, “That Unforgettable May 13,” on April 20th, and an article from practitioners overseas, “Memorizing and Assimilating to the Fa,” on April 26, more than 70 articles have been added to the “World Falun Dafa Day” category on Minghui.org. 

Several Falun Dafa practitioners in the U.S. shared their thoughts after reading the articles.

Ms. Guo from the U.S. said that this year’s articles are different from previous years. An obvious feature is that the authors of the articles use simple and unpretentious language to tell vivid short stories about their lives, which validate the greatness of Dafa. She said, “One of the articles that impressed me most was ‘An Underworld ‘Big Brother’ Begins Practicing Falun Dafa.’ In this story, a gangster who had done all kinds of evil deeds changed and became a real Falun Dafa practitioner after coming into contact with practitioners, and he practiced the Falun Dafa exercises openly in the prison during his 18-year-term. He endured all kinds of torture, yet still practiced Falun Dafa. I am very moved and I once again deeply feel the greatness of Master and the greatness of the Fa.”

Ms. Han was also deeply moved by this article and said, “I read this practitioner’s legendary experience twice. I saw a staunch Dafa practitioner in the land of China, which is controlled by the evil Chinese Communist Party. This man, who once was a ‘Big Brother’ and who made the other prisoners live in fear, learned Dafa in prison and fearlessly walked the path of validating the Fa despite being tortured.”

Ms. You, a young American practitioner, said, “Although these practitioners are separated by vast distances and work in different industries, they are all guided by the principles of the Fa and validate the Fa in different environments through their actions, and bring the beauty and merits of Dafa to people around them. For example, as shown in ‘Clearing the Snow in My Town for 20 Years’ and ‘A Fiercely Competitive Businessman Becomes a Good Person.’”

Ms. Lin also mentioned the article “Clearing the Snow in My Town for 20 Years.” “I really admire this group of practitioners who have been clearing snow for villagers for more than 20 years,” she said. “Only Dafa disciples can do this.”

Ms. You also noticed that many practitioners treated every situation with kindness and righteous thoughts over the past ten or twenty years, which helped their relatives and friends change from being hostile to Dafa to being moved, to finally understanding the truth of Dafa and being saved. For example, in “Compassion Can Melt Ice,” a fellow practitioner’s husband, daughter-in-law, younger brother, sister-in-law, and cousin were all initially hostile to Dafa and hostile to the practitioner. However, she ignored their attitude and used her great kindness and compassion, and selflessly treated them well for many years. In the end, these relatives understood the truth and were blessed.

Ms. Lin saw the gap between herself and the author of “Discovering Kindness.” She said, “This practitioner said very frankly that she was narrow-minded. I also had this problem, but I had never dared to say that to myself or honestly face myself in this way. I found that this was the poison of the evil Party culture. Only by abandoning this Party culture [based on lies and fighting] can we return to our true nature.”

Ms. You also mentioned that several practitioners wrote about their experiences while validating Dafa and saving people in detention centers and prisons. For example, “A Financial Disaster Inspired Me to Practice Falun Dafa,” and “One Hundred and Nineteen People Withdraw From the CCP in a Detention Center.” When this practitioner walked out of the detention center, he had a list of 119 people who withdrew from the Communist Party of China. It was really extraordinary!

Ms. Han also thanked Minghui.org. “For many years,” she said, “I read Minghui.org as soon as I turn on my computer every day. I feel that I have grown up with Minghui. I would like to thank fellow practitioners who work on the Minghui website.”