(Minghui.org) I began to practice Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) before the persecution started in 1999. I am so grateful that Master compassionately helps and protects me. I would like to share some of the stories from the time I was illegally detained in a detention center.

“The COVID Virus Is Only Afraid of Falun Gong”

When COVID broke out, almost all the detainees were infected. Everyone had a fever, cough, and dizziness. Some people screamed and wept in discomfort, and some said they might be dying. The doctor gave them fever-reducing medicines and lied, claiming it was a severe flu. The guards used to come to the detention center every day with handcuffs for interrogation. Now, the sound of handcuffs was no longer heard, and no one walked around. Only rats could be seen scurrying back and forth in the corridors.

One month later, the chief guard asked the cell lead on duty: “How many people in your cell are infected with COVID-19? Our guards have all tested positive, and so have those who work in the procuratorate and the police departments. All my family members tested positive. Your cases will not be tried until the officers recover, so all the cases are postponed.” The cell lead replied, “There are fifteen people in our cell, fourteen fell ill and have not yet recovered. Only the oldest one, who practices Falun Gong, has not tested positive.” The chief guard said, “In the nation 90% of people tested positive. He must belong to the 10%.”

After the chief guard left, the people in the cell said, “Outside, those who tested positive are quarantined so they won’t infect others. But you are here, surrounded by positives, yet you are not infected. It looks like the COVID virus is not afraid of anything except you Falun Gong!”

This incident made it easier for me to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. Everyone in the cell understood the truth and quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organizations.

“Now I Believe Good People Exist”

I asked Master in my heart to arrange for more predestined people to come to learn the truth and withdraw from the CCP. Under Master’s arrangement, I was transferred to a cell where most of the detainees were already sentenced and were waiting to be taken to prisons. Each detainee stayed in the cell for about two weeks.

I treasured the opportunity to save each of them. I tried to help everyone who was sent to the cell. If they had no money to buy daily necessities, I gave them mine; if they had no money to buy clothes, I gave them mine; when they were being transferred to prison, I gave each of them a gift: An apple and an egg, and told them I hoped they would soon be sent home to reunite with their families. I also told them some traditional cultural stories, including the principle, “Filial piety is the foremost of all virtues; sexual misconduct is the root of all evil.” I hoped that they would honor their parents and do more good deeds after they returned home.

There are restrictions on the quantity of nutritious food one could buy in the detention center. I gave the good food to others but didn’t eat it myself. I told them, “I’m very healthy because I practice Falun Gong. The food in the detention center is okay for me. It would be the happiest thing for me if you could go home soon.”

A person who was wrongly convicted for petitioning said, “I thought all people were selfish. I didn’t believe there existed kindness or any good people. I thought everything was fake and fictitious. But now I believe good people exist. You come from a mythological tale!” I said, “Everyone who truly practices Falun Dafa is like this. We cultivate Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Most practitioners have cultivated better than me.” He said, “Falun Dafa is really good. The CCP is really bad!”

Everyone who spent time in the cell was touched by my kindness. When they left, they said, “We will bring the gift of peace and blessings from Falun Gong. Everything else can be forgotten, but not this.” Everyone withdrew from the CCP.

“Truly Efficacious!”

At the detention center, getting sick was really painful. A young man whose father worked in the Politics and Legal Affairs Committee had a negative opinion about Falun Dafa so he did not agree to quit the CCP. One night, he had a bad toothache and was unable to sleep. He asked for a doctor. The doctor came and scolded him: “If you had a toothache at home, would you call 120 (the emergency number in China)? You won’t die from a toothache. I can’t do anything for you.”

“I have a method to stop a toothache,” I told him. “What is it?” He wept as he spoke.

“Sincerely recite Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,” I said. He was dubious and said, “Does it work?” I said, “Try it and see.” He soon fell asleep.

The next morning I asked, “Did it work?” He raised his thumb and said, “Truly efficacious!”

When I later suggested he withdraw from the CCP, he agreed immediately. Another life was saved.

Spirit Afraid of “Falun Dafa Is Good”

One detainee said that both his grandfather and mother were possessed and they could treat illnesses. He said there were many bad things in the detention center so he had to avoid getting angry. When he was angry, he would faint and talk nonsense, and bad things entered his body. This happened several times when he was in other cells. He was very distressed. I told him to say, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and he believed it.

One day, he got angry. A spirit entered him through his feet. He immediately started to recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” With everyone watching, the spirit left him and went to another person who usually got angry easily. It resulted in a big fight in the cell, and everyone who was involved in the fight was punished.

Through this incident, many people realized being angry can attract bad things to the body, and the body will feel as uncomfortable as if they had a serious illness. Later, when someone got angry or felt uncomfortable, others would remind him to recite “Falun Dafa is good” right away.

Calming Down a Schizophrenic Inmate

A newcomer had schizophrenia. He was well-educated and looked down on others, and the others looked down on him. He often said things to hurt others, and other people often hit him. No one wanted to sleep next to him because the noises he made disturbed their sleep. He later asked to sleep next to me. I talked about the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and told him to recite “Falun Dafa is good.” His condition improved and he was much quieter at night.

A new leader came and rearranged sleeping locations. This man was assigned to another bed. He kept yelling: “I will not sleep with anywhere else! I want to sleep next to a Falun Gong practitioner who holds virtue in high esteem!”

He slept next to me the rest of the time he was there. He quit the CCP, and he also asked me to help his deceased father to quit the CCP.

The new leader asked me, “You are such a nice person and treat everyone well. Is it because of your belief?” I said, “Yes, I can be such a good person because I believe in Falun Dafa.” He nodded.

Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Truly Proclaiming Buddha’s Teachings

One detainee liked to study Buddhism. He befriended someone who used supernormal abilities to treat people’s illnesses, but they charged money. One time, they treated a lay Buddhist and at first the effect was very good. The lay Buddhist then brought many people to treat their disease. Later, the lay Buddhist became ill again and asked for a refund. They didn’t give him a refund, so the lay Buddhist got a group of people to sue them. As a result, this detainee was sentenced to multiple years for fraud.

This man thought he was wronged. He thought he was doing a good deed and was proclaiming Buddha’s teachings. I asked him, “Assuming that you would be released if you wrote a letter of guarantee saying you would no longer do your so-called proclaiming Buddha’s teachings, would you write it?” He said immediately: “Of course I would. I would write 100 such letters if needed.” I said, “If you are truly proclaiming Buddha’s teachings, how could you write such a letter? You don’t even believe in Buddhism.”

I explained that Falun Dafa’s Master told us practitioners to always teach Dafa voluntarily and that we do not charge money; the characteristic of the universe is Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I said, “If I wrote a guarantee statement saying I would no longer practice Dafa, I could go home now.”

When he was about to be transferred to prison he said, “Do you know what I gained the most from being detained? I learned that you Falun Gong people are the ones truly proclaiming the Buddha’s teachings. Your Master is really great! When I get out, I will look for Falun Dafa books.”

The above are a few examples from the 119 people in the detention center who were saved. I memorized all 119 names. This extraordinary memory was given to me by Master. I knew Master was encouraging me!

I will cultivate diligently and do the three things well, to show my gratitude for Master and Dafa.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)