(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners in San Diego, California, held a free Falun Gong exercise-teaching workshop in the Mira Mesa Library on May 18, 2024. Those who attended enjoyed learning the exercises of this ancient cultivation practice that originated in China.

Falun Gong workshop participants learn the exercises.

After watching an introductory video and following an exercise instruction video, the participants learned the exercise movements. People in the library seemed pleased to learn about Falun Gong. Everyone who attended said they would like to continue learning more on the Internet.

Serena, who lives nearby, had an appointment at the library, but it was canceled, so she attended the workshop instead. She was able to cross both of her legs and sit in the lotus position to do the meditation. She said she was happy her appointment had been canceled because it had given her the opportunity to learn Falun Gong. She planned to read a lecture in the book Zhuan Falun each day and finish reading it in nine days. She also planned to go to the group exercises in a park.

Serena learns about Falun Gong.

A woman and her 86-year-old mother met a practitioner in the parking lot and decided to come to the workshop. The woman said she felt energy flowing as she was doing the second exercise. The women took information with them so they could learn more. A Vietnamese-American couple also attended the workshop.

Practitioners in San Diego will hold more Falun Gong exercise-teaching workshops in public libraries in upcoming months.