(Minghui.org) The Chinese New Year was approaching, and a fellow practitioner mentioned that we still had 200 Minghui calendars on hand and asked if I would take them. I agreed. The practitioner asked if doing that would stress me out, to which I replied, “No, I can give them all out in four or five days.” Seeing how quickly I distributed them, the practitioner asked if I could take more. I said I wasn’t sure because the New Year was just over 10 days away, and after the New Year, people wouldn’t be so eager to take them.

The next day while studying the Fa, I remembered what “100% faith in Master and the teachings” meant and realized that my saying “I wasn’t sure” showed that my faith in Master and the teachings was compromised. Behind “not being sure” was “fear”—fear of not being able to distribute all of them and what to do with the leftovers. Negative thoughts had surfaced, and I had forgotten about Master! I wasn’t applying the teachings in practice. With this realization, I quickly asked the practitioner to restock me as soon as possible.

It was miraculous! The calendars arrived in two days, and I prepared them in one day. I needed another day to put the calendars into bags along with two large truth clarification booklets. When everything was ready, I put as many bags as I could fit in a shopping cart and pulled it down the streets and alleys, emptying one cart in the morning and another in the afternoon. Sometimes people would ask if I was preaching anything. When they did, I would say, “No,” because if you mention “quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ensures your safety,” they wouldn’t take it. I could only say, “Just take it, there’s no preaching.” Others asked if they needed to scan a QR code (meaning I was asking for money), to which I replied, “No scanning,” and they would happily accept them.

I sometimes encountered unreasonable people who said that the CCP paid me while I spoke ill of it and that I had no conscience. I replied, “The CCP doesn’t pay my salary. My salary is the reward for my labor. The CCP doesn’t farm or operate factories. What does it have to pay me with? The people support it. You have been deceived by the CCP.”

Another time, an elderly man called out to me from a distance. When he reached me, he took two oranges from his pocket, gave them to me, and picked up a bag, saying, “It’s hard work, very hard work.” I was almost moved to tears because it was winter and very cold. I thanked him, and when I got home, I put the oranges under Master’s portrait to express my gratitude.

Feeling that things were going too slow, I thought of distributing the calendars in front of a busy supermarket, especially since it was close to the New Year and people were buying holiday goods. After packing my cart in the morning, I held a calendar in one hand and pulled the shopping cart with the other, shouting as I walked, “Free calendars! Anyone want one?”

Because I spoke too quickly, no one could understand me. An elderly man told me to speak slower. I said, “Here’s a free calendar for you.” He was surprised and said he wanted two, one was for his daughter who was at home. I gave him two and asked if he liked to read. He said he did, so I picked out two books for him, Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and The Ultimate Goal of Communism. I told him, “Believing Falun Dafa is good will bring blessings.” He said he believed me. I also gave him a small audio player, and he walked away smiling.

People nearby saw that I was giving away things for free, so they came over to get one. If one person took one, another would, too. I looked up and saw a police officer asking for one. I was momentarily startled but immediately remembered that Master was by my side, and I wasn’t afraid. I handed him one casually, and soon another officer came by, and I naturally gave him one, too! The vendor selling couplets saw everyone was taking one, so he came over to get one.

Two muscular men on a big red motorcycle came by. One of them told his companion, “You go get us two. We’ll take them home and have a look. They must be good.”

A person passing by who was enjoying the scene also spoke up positively, and seeing that my cart was almost empty, asked for one.

I distributed calendars in front of the supermarket for four days in a row: three shopping cartloads per day, totaling over 60 calendars. The calendars were rich in content, prepared for all types of people, ultimately facilitating their withdrawal from the CCP and its youth organizations. When I gave someone a bag, I wasn’t just handing them a calendar. Each bag contained a lot of material for them to read at home, including Master’s new article “How Humankind Came To Be” and other things, such as the Hidden Character Stone, “The Secret to Escaping the Plague,” and the phone numbers to quit the Chinese Communist Party so that they could quit on their own. I often encountered people who would quit on their own.

As I was distributing calendars, my mind was clear of all thoughts except for saving people. Without fear in my heart, the element of fear did not exist. I knew many divine beings were helping me.

I gave them all out by the 28th day of the 12th lunar month. Since I was borrowing the house where I was staying, I returned the keys on the 29th and finished distributing all the calendars by the 30th—Chinese New Year’s eve. Seeing my heart for saving people, Master arranged everything so well that there was no wasted time.

I hope that all sentient beings I have given calendars to can be saved. This is my greatest wish. I also hope that Master blesses his disciples and that all who received the calendars have a bright future.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)