(Minghui.org) I used to have a severe heart condition. The pain often radiated to my face and back. I felt awful when it happened, yet no medicine or acupuncture helped. It wasn’t until I practiced Falun Dafa that I experienced how it felt to be illness-free.

One day, I was suddenly attacked with another wave of intense pain. As soon as I shouted, “Master, it hurts!” the pain subsided. I believe that because my first thought was to seek help from Master, the founder of Falun Dafa, and I wasn’t concerned if the symptoms would threaten my life, the extraordinary power of Falun Dafa manifested in me and the pain disappeared.

A fruit vendor told me that one of his relatives was in her 40s and had been trying to have a child but to no avail. A practitioner told her to recite the auspicious phrases of “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.” She sincerely believed it, and a year later she gave birth to a healthy boy.

My niece was diagnosed with severe gallstones in 2019. She saw three doctors, and they all told her that she needed a surgery to remove her gallbladder. I suggested she sincerely recite the auspicious phrases.

One day she visited her doctor, and the doctor asked her what medicine she had been taking. She replied, “I don’t take anything. Didn’t you want me to get a surgery?” The doctor said that her condition improved and she didn’t have to undergo surgery anymore. She didn’t believe her ears and saw another doctor, who also told her that no surgery was needed. Only then did she realize that Falun Dafa helped her.

My mother-in-law had varicose veins, and one day her leg became inflamed and swelled up. The doctor said that she had blood clots in her leg veins, and a surgery was needed to remove the clots before they went to her heart and lungs, which would be life-threatening. She didn’t want to have the surgery. So I asked her to recite the auspicious phrases (Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance are good). A few days later she told me that every morning at 6 o’clock she sat with her legs crossed and recited the phrases. Eventually she recovered from the illness.

My mother-in-law asked Master to bless her granddaughter with a good husband. The granddaughter never met her mother, and lost her father ten years ago. Everyone hoped that she would marry into a happy family that treated her well. She did, and is expecting a child.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)