(Minghui.org) Practitioners participated in the 20th Ankara Book Fair in the capital city of Ankara, for three days: April 28 and May 4-5, 2024.

This year the book fair was held at the ATO Congressium. The Falun Dafa stand at the fair drew much attention. Those who stopped at the Falun Dafa booth were able to learn the exercises, and read the book Zhuan Falun, which covers the main teachings of Falun Dafa.

Practitioners’ stand at the book fair in Ankara

Mr. Hüseyin said that when he was passing by the stand the energy attracted his attention so he stopped to learn more about Falun Dafa. Mr. Hüseyin said, “I wanted to hear about Falun Dafa.”

Mr. Hüseyin (middle) and his friend get information about the exercises.

Ms. Emre, who works as a fair attendant for a publishing house said that she did not plan to come to the fair that day, but because someone was ill, she came. She was happy to receive information about Falun Dafa.

Ms. Emre was happy to learn about Falun Dafa

Also among the visitors to the Falun Dafa stand were Hasan Sevilir Aşan and Gülten Aşan. Hasan Aşan once served as the Turkish consul general in Melbourne. In their social media post after the fair, they wrote, “One of the most interesting corners of ATO Congressium Book Fair, where thousands of books from many publishing houses were exhibited, was the Falun Dafa stand with their principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.”

Gülten Aşan (right), is the wife of Hasan Aşan who once served as the Turkish consul general in Melbourne, at the Falun Dafa stand

At the end of the fair, practitioners expressed their gratitude for Falun Dafa and took a group photo.

Practitioners took a group photo to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.