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Hebei Woman Released on House Arrest After 14 Days of Detention and Hunger Strike

May 23, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) A Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province resident was released under house arrest on May 1, 2024 after she sustained severe health damage caused by brutal force feeding.

Ms. Qiu Liying was arrested on April 17, 2024 for her faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999. She started a hunger strike the day of her arrest and continued on after she was taken to the Shijiazhuang City Second Detention Center on April 19 to serve an unknown amount of criminal detention. On the sixth day of her hunger strike, April 22, the detention center guards began to force feed her every day. She continued her hunger strike and sustained severe health damage as a result of the brutal daily force feeding. She was released under house arrest on May 1, 2024, two weeks after her arrest.

This is not the first time that Ms. Qiu has been targeted for her faith. She was previously arrested many times and jailed for over eight years. The persecution brought tremendous pain to Ms. Qiu and her family. Her daughter lost her care at the age of 10. Her husband couldn’t bear the pressure and divorced her. Both of her parents passed away in deep sorrow.

Ms. Qiu Liying

Latest Arrest

At around 7:30 p.m. on April 17, 2024, the power suddenly went out in Ms. Qiu’s home. She stepped outside to investigate, only to see four men and one woman barge in. She learned later that the men were from the Zhentou Police Station, including its police chief (name unknown) and officers Zhou Shangjin, Gao Zhanhai, and Fan (first name unknown). The woman was a household registration police officer whose name was unknown.

Ms. Qiu condemned them for breaking into a law-abiding citizen’s home and refused to answer their questions. They raided her home and confiscated her Falun Gong books, a portrait of Falun Gong founder, laptop and other personal belongings.

The police dragged Ms. Qiu out of her apartment building, and she yelled that the police were arresting good people. Many neighbors witnessed the commotion.

Ms. Qiu was held at the Zhentou Police Station that morning before being taken to the Shijiazhuang Case Handling Center in the afternoon by the four male arresting officers.

Restrained in a Metal Chair and Interrogated for 40 Minutes

As Ms. Qiu sat on the lobby floor and refused to sign her paperwork, the case handling center receptionist blocked her and the police from going inside. Officer Zhou made a phone call to higher-ups and the receptionist relented.

Zhou and three other officers carried Ms. Qiu to an interrogation room in the case handling center. They restrained her in a metal chair and put her wrists in electric handcuffs. She felt electricity going through her body, but the police denied it was electric handcuffs.

Torture reenactment: restrained in a metal chair

There were surveillance cameras in all directions in the interrogation room. Ms. Qiu kept her eyes shut and remained silent during the entire 40-minute-long session. The police had to give up getting any response from her. They then removed her from the metal chair. She felt weak all over and struggled to stand up. The police took her back to the Zhentou Police Station, where she again refused to answer any questions.

Admitted to Detention Center After Police’s Three Failed Attempts

The same four male arresting officers, together with a policewoman, took Ms. Qiu to the Shijiazhuang City Second Detention Center at around 2 p.m. on April 18, 2024. As soon as they arrived, Ms. Qiu called out “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” to passersby.

The police hurried to drag her inside the detention center. She refused to undergo a physical examination as ordered. They held her down and had her blood forcibly drawn, blood pressure measured, and X-ray taken. But they were unable to do an ultrasound during her struggle. The detention center declined to admit her and she was taken back to the Zhentou Police Station.

The same five officers tried again at around 9 a.m. the next day. This time they took Ms. Qiu to the Yiling Hospital first to do an ultrasound. Because she firmly resisted, it took the police and the doctors nearly one hour to get the ultrasound done. The police then drove her to the Shijiazhuang City Second Detention Center.

Ms. Qiu again called out “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” She firmly refused to have her picture taken, and the detention center again declined to admit her.

The police took her back to the Zhentou Police Station, but returned to the detention center at 1:30 p.m. that afternoon. She again refused to have her picture taken. Officer Zhou grabbed her chin and lifted her face up. Still they were unable to get her picture. She was denied admission to the detention center a third time.

Officer Zhou managed to take a picture of Ms. Qiu when she was not looking. He then called higher-ups to pressure the detention center to admit Ms. Qiu. The detention center said no because the picture taken by Zhou did not meet the requirements. Zhou then uploaded the picture to the detention center’s database, which is connected to the police’s. The detention center finally agreed to admit Ms. Qiu. By then, it was already 5 p.m. on April 19, 2024.

Ms. Qiu sat on the ground and refused to get up. Officer Zhou and another male officer dragged her all the way inside the detention center. She noticed later that she had bruises everywhere on her body after being roughed up by the police in the past few days.

She again called out “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and guard Zhang Wei dragged her to cell 101. The inmates there attempted to beat her up and she stopped them, saying, “I dare you to touch me! I am not going to answer roll call, wear uniforms, or do hard labor.” The inmates were stunned and left her alone.

Brutal Force-feeding

Ms. Qiu started a hunger strike on the first day of her arrest and continued it after she was finally admitted to the detention center. Starting on April 22 (her sixth day of hunger strike and fourth day at the detention center), the guards began to force feed her every day.

During the very first force feeding session, two doctors and two nurses took turns inserting a feeding tube into Ms. Qiu’s nostrils more than ten times. Each time they pulled out the tube, her nose and mouth were filled with blood. When the force feeding resumed the next day, the detention center clinic medical director inserted the tube all the way to her stomach, with two inmates holding her head and hands tightly. The director attempted to leave the tube in her stomach for the next feeding session, but she pulled it out herself. The pain was so intense that she felt like her stomach was being stabbed by a knife.

The medical director later put her on IV drips. She pulled out the needles whenever she had an opportunity. After three sessions of IV drips, the director gave up doing it again.

Starting around April 25, the detention center force fed Ms. Qiu twice a day, once in the morning and another time in the afternoon. After each feeding session, she felt excruciating pain and had diarrhea. She also vomited after each afternoon session. Her nose bled. Sometimes she spit out blood in the middle of the night. She also began to suffer headaches, a rapid heart rate (124 beats per minute when a normal range is between 60 and 100), low blood sugar, and dehydration.

As her health kept declining, the detention center decided to release her under house arrest. Officers Zhou and Gao picked her up on May 1, 2024 and drove her home. The Sifang Police Station is now in charge of monitoring her on house arrest.

Related Reports:Ms. Qiu Liying Falsely Charged and Sentenced for "Possessing State Secrets"

Changan District Court in Shijiazhuang City Fabricates Lies to Persecute Ms. Qiu Liying

Ms. Qiu Liying from Shijiazhuang Is Tortured and Framed

The Story of Ms. Qiu Liying