(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. Over the years, I have kept Master’s Fa in mind and clarified the truth face-to-face to save people. I am writing about some of my cultivation experiences in offering salvation to report to Master and share with fellow practitioners.

Clarifying the Truth in My Son’s Neighborhood

My son lives in a military family subdivision. It is a large neighborhood, and police cars patrol back and forth every day. For a period of time, my husband and I helped our son take care of his child. I brought 400 truth-clarification booklets from my hometown. Every morning my husband watched our grandchild while I went into the community to distribute the booklets, and it went smoothly.

One morning I went out and looked for someone in the community to clarify the truth to. Three elementary school students were playing, so I went over and talked to them. All three children were very accepting and loved to listen. When I had just persuaded two of the children to quit the Communist Young Pioneers, a man in his forties, probably the father of one of the children, came by.

The man shouted, “What are you talking about with the three children?” I replied, “I’m telling the three children how to keep their lives safe.” He said, “Don’t promote these things to the children. Follow me to the police.” Police were stationed at the entrance of the community, so he shouted at me for a while, and then went to the community security guard to find the police. I quickly ran back to my son’s house.

As I ran, I begged Master to bless me so that those people wouldn’t catch up with me. I told myself that I was a divine being and they were human beings, and that no one could touch me. Under Master’s protection, I got to my son’s house safely. After I got there, I burned an incense for Master and thanked Master.

I also looked inward and asked myself why didn’t it go well. Maybe I had an attachment to doing things? Since I took care of our grandchild every day, I hadn’t studied the Fa as much, and I no longer had very strong righteous thoughts. If I didn’t study the Fa calmly, the old forces could take advantage of my loopholes. Fortunately, thanks to the Master’s protection, I was able to avoid this catastrophe.

Clarifying the Truth to a Vendor

I once went to a bazaar to clarify the truth. After walking a short distance, I saw a man selling dried sweet potatoes, so I went over to talk to him. I bought some dried sweet potatoes, and after giving him the money, I said, “I’ll tell you a great thing to save your life and keep you safe. If you sincerely recite these two phrases in your heart, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ it doesn’t matter how big the natural or man-made disasters are, you will be safe.”

He was very kind, so I told him about quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. I also told him about the CCP’s organ harvesting from practitioners for profit, and the CCP-staged Tiananmen self-immolation incident. He said that he was an army veteran, and a member of the Party.

He then said, “One day, my sister found a booklet on her desk, and when she saw that it was about Falun Gong, she didn’t dare read it. I said, ‘Give it to me, I want it.’ What’s there to be afraid of? Isn’t it just a Falun Gong book? What’s there to be afraid of? Falun Gong is much better than those who are corrupt.”

When I heard his words, I was very moved, and I said, “You are awesome. If you say a fair word for Falun Gong, you will definitely receive blessings in the future.” He quit the Party and accepted an amulet and a truth-clarification booklet from me.

Clarifying the Truth to a Father and a Son

I saw a young man in his thirties in a market who was selling apples not far from me. I went over and talked to him, and bought some apples. I asked, “How is your business?” and he replied, “It’s not great.” He complained that few people had passed by. I said, “I will tell you a good method to help your business go smoothly and to save your life and keep you safe.” He asked, “What method?” I replied, “If you sincerely recite these two phrases in your heart, it will be good for you, and everything will go smoothly.” As soon as I clarified the truth to him, several people came over to buy apples, and they each bought a lot.

After the people who had bought the apples had left, I said, “Your business got better, right?” He said, “Yes, thank you.” I asked him if he had ever joined the CCP and its affiliated organizations. He said that he was a member of the Party, and I told him about quitting the Party to ensure his safety. I told him why he should quit the CCP, why there was such a huge plague in the world, and why the CCP always persecutes good people. I told him that all those who practice Falun Gong are good people who cultivate Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and are innocent people who are being persecuted. The Communist Party does not allow people to have belief, but promotes atheism. It has done too many bad things and heaven will disintegrate it. If the CCP is destroyed in the future, aren’t all Party members going to suffer? He said, “Okay, I will quit.”

The young man said, “Can you please talk to my father about all this?” I went over to his father and told him the facts. He was very kind. He was also a Party member. Both father and son quit the Party and said that they would recite the two phrases. They were blessed and sold more than half a cartload of apples that morning.

I saved people quite smoothly that day, and I persuaded eight people to quit the Party in just over two hours. I am grateful to Master for his blessings.

Clarifying the Truth at the Bazaar

I was at a big market once when I begged Master in my heart to help bring people to me. I saw a man selling turnips. I told him about Falun Dafa, and he readily accepted what I said. I asked him if he had ever joined the Party and its affiliated organizations, and he said he was a member of the Party. I asked him, “Have you ever heard of quitting the Party to ensure your safety?” He replied, “I haven’t heard of it.” I asked, “Do you want to quit the Party?” He said, “Okay, I will quit.” I then followed up by providing examples of how bad the CCP is, and he accepted what I said.

I continued walking and saw a woman selling some items. I bought some things from her and talked to her. We spoke for a long time and she enjoyed listening to the information. I asked her, “Have you ever joined the Party or its affiliated organizations?” She replied, “Yes.” I said, “I’ll help you to quit,” and she replied, “Okay, let’s quit.” I told her why she should quit and how evil the Communist Party was. She accepted my words.

I had just finished talking to her when two women came over. One said, “We are from a village. Can you help us quit too?” I did, and they were both very happy.

Over the next two hours, I clarified the truth to six vendors and helped all of them quit the Party. I thanked Master in my heart.

I have often heard fellow practitioners say that they couldn’t clarify the truth, and didn’t know what to say. In fact, clarifying the truth is not difficult. As long as we have the heart to save people, Master will bring people to us. All we need to do is to save them with our righteous thoughts. Fa-rectification is nearing its end, and the time to save people is running out, so we must follow Master’s teachings, study the Fa more, cultivate ourselves well, and save more people.