(Minghui.org) I learned Falun Dafa in 2007. During my past 16 years of cultivation, I’ve worked together with practitioners to validate the Fa, clarify the truth, and help save sentient beings. In the process, I have realized the importance of saving people with predestined relationships, to have a deeper understanding of the Fa, and to cultivate oneself well.

My mother called in the winter of 2021, and asked me to help her keep track of the weight and accounting of our corn crop while she was threshing it. I thought the corn wholesaler would have his workers and machines there, so we wouldn’t need to do much.

As in previous years, I prepared the truth-clarification periodicals “Understanding,” “God-given Blessings,” “The Truth,” and New Years’ calendars and took them to my mother’s house to give to the wholesaler and his employees.

A dozen workers walked into the yard as soon as the corn harvesting truck arrived at my mother’s house. When I saw that the supervisor was not the same person as before, I realized this was a predestined person arranged by Master Li for him to come and hear the truth.

On that day, the supervisor might have taken on too many jobs, because he was anxious and told the workers to hurry up. They hurried to stabilize the machines, connect the wires, do the weighing, hang bags, and carry out the bags of corn. Everyone divided up the work. I also grabbed a paper and pen, waiting to count the bags.

The supervisor said to me, “We don’t have enough manpower. Please help us fill the bags. The scales have been calibrated. Each bag is 100 kilograms. Take some out if it’s too much and put more in if there isn’t enough.” I handed the pen and paper to my mother and did as he said.

I was busy since the machine ran non-stop. I thought, “The corn harvesting is almost finished, and I haven’t found a chance to clarify the truth to them yet.” Just as I was thinking this, the machine clicked to a stop. The corn bag in front of me was so full that it was about to overflow. A male worker walked up to me and said in a terse tone, “Why are you so slow? Are you weighing gold? Do you know how to work?”

I was stunned! A dozen men and women working around me were watching. I didn’t say anything, thinking to myself, “I can’t be like him; there are so many people here waiting for me to save them. I want them to see the beauty of Dafa in me.”

I smiled and replied, “I’m sorry for wasting everyone's time.” My mother was standing next to me and said, “This is not our job in the first place. If you think we are useless, you can do it yourself.”

I whispered to her to be quiet, then told the worker, “You start the machine, I’ll move faster this time.” The machine started turning again. The male worker then suddenly ran over to me and shouted, “I think you’re really not good at this!” I was busy working and didn’t look up at him, but I thought to myself: “What did I do wrong to make him so angry? The scale results showed the bag was fine. The weight was just where it needed to be. So where did I go wrong?”

Just as I was thinking that, the phrase “suffering a loss” came to mind, and I suddenly realized what the problem was. When I weighed the bags of corn, I took corn out if it was over by two or three ounces, so I wouldn’t lose money. In order to keep the weight right, I slowed the process down. It turns out that I was afraid of financial loss. No wonder the worker said I acted like I was “weighing gold.” I understood this happened to get rid of my selfishness.

The next time the bags were filled to 100 kilograms, I didn’t take any out when it was a bit over. There was a little leftover in each bag. My mother didn’t like it and pointed it out to me, but I didn’t say anything. Instead, I thought about what Master said:

“In this complicated environment of everyday people, you should be clear-minded and knowingly lose in terms of interests.” (Lecture Eight, Zhuan Falun)

The boss then sent the workers to my neighbor’s field to begin setting up before they had a rest. I quickly took the Dafa truth-clarification materials to the neighbor’s front porch and told them the facts about Falun Dafa while they were moving the equipment. I also talked to them individually.

They all agreed to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliates. I also gave them the journals and New Years’ calendars and asked them to recite, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” so they would be blessed and remain safe during the pandemic.

One of the youngsters came up to me and exclaimed, “Is what you said true?!” I said yes. He raised one of the journals in his hand and said, “Falun Dafa is good!”

A middle-aged man said his neighbor also practiced Falun Dafa, and that the neighbor is very kind, but had to stay away from home for years to avoid the evil Party’s harassment. He then explained to everyone, “The CCP killed many people during the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre. Now they persecute Falun Dafa!” I was happy to hear that he understood the truth and was choosing a good future for himself.

There were a few people whom I didn’t have time to talk to, but I gave them information. The strange thing is that I never saw the person who was angry with me. Maybe I was busy at the time and did not notice his appearance, so I don’t know if he was among the people who quit the CCP. Looking around at the workers talking, working, and laughing, I sensed their joy after they had been saved, and felt warm even in the cold weather.

Looking back at my 16 years of cultivation, I improved my character after I let go of my attachments to fame, fortune, and emotion, I would not have been able to do this without Master’s compassionate care. I feel that Master is always by my side.

Thank you, Master!