(Minghui.org) It was learned in mid-May 2024 that a 58-year-old resident of Wuhan City, Hubei Province had been secretly sentenced to one and a half years for her faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999. 

Ms. Xu Lixiu was arrested at around 4 p.m. on November 25, 2023, together with eight other local Falun Gong practitioners. She was taken to the Wuhan City Brainwashing Center and her family has since been kept in the dark regarding her situation. They recently managed to find out about her prison sentence and learned from an insider that she is now serving time at the Hongshan Prison in Wuhan City. They still do not know when she was indicted, tried, or sentenced.

This is not the first time that Ms. Xu has been targeted for her faith. She was first arrested on October 10, 1999, for doing the Falun Gong exercises in a public place and detained for 15 days. She was beaten and left outdoors in freezing temperatures while wearing thin clothes.

She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in late December 1999 and was arrested again. After being escorted back to Hubei Province, she was detained for more than three months. She made a second trip to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong (exact time unknown), and was arrested another time. She was then given one year of forced labor. She was beaten, force-fed, and shocked with electric batons in the Shayang Women’s Forced Labor Camp.

Her next arrest took place on April 11, 2012, for talking to people about Falun Gong. She was detained for 15 days this time. She was detained for an unknown amount of time after another arrest on October 19, 2017. The police seized her again on August 15, 2019, and took her to the Wuhan City Brainwashing Center. She lived away from home after being released and was put on the wanted list. She was taken back into custody on October 12, 2019, and sentenced to three years. She was released in October 2022, only to be arrested again in November 2023, and given a second prison sentence.

For details of Ms. Xu’s past and latest persecution, see the following related reports, which also covered the persecution of her father, younger brother, and his wife for their shared faith in Falun Gong.

Related Reports:

Wuhan City, Hubei Province: 58-Year-Old Woman Held in Brainwashing Center for Five Months and Counting

Wuhan City, Hubei Province: Nine Arrested in One Day for Their Faith, Two Still Held in Brainwashing Center

Hubei Woman Sentenced to Three Years for Her Faith

Ms. Xu Lixiu Recounts the Persecution that She and Her Family Have Suffered Since 1999