(Minghui.org) I am 70 years old and a retired government official. I started practicing Falun Dafa in late 1996, and all my illnesses disappeared. In 2014, my husband, who is not a Dafa practitioner, was diagnosed with lung cancer, which had metastasized to many places. He is living well after more than nine years. His doctors were all shocked, and told us, “There is basically no precedent of such a case.”

Reborn After Cultivating Dafa

My husband and I were introduced to each other through friends. We both were not considered young, and thus married after just three months of dating. After we got married, we found that there were huge differences in our personalities, mindsets, and habits, and we could not get along. What made it even more unacceptable to me was his bad habits such as getting drunk, smoking, gambling, and being with prostitutes.

He often stayed out for entire nights. He would not do anything to help me at home, yet he liked to complain about everything. When something didn’t go his way, he would lose his temper easily, and curse at and hit us. I had to do all the housework, and take care of the children. I was always exhausted physically and mentally, which greatly affected my health. I suffered from neurasthenia, stomach problems, cholecystitis, lumbar disc herniation, and anemia. Due to anemia, my face, fingernails, lips, and eyelids were all very pale. I was 5’4” but weighed only 90 some pounds. Once at work, I went to a toilet outside, and suddenly felt dizzy when I stood up and blacked out. Fortunately, there was a telephone pole in front of me. I held on tightly and did not fall down. Then, someone saw me and helped me go back inside.

After I started practicing Falun Dafa, I understood the purpose of life, and the karmic relationship between people. What had puzzled me all my life all became clear. In the past, I felt that my work, family, and financial situation was better than my husband’s, so why did he treat me like this? In more than 40 years of marriage, he had not cooked for me once. After taking care of him for all those years, he never said a word to compliment me. He always complained about one thing or another, such as items not being arranged neatly, the floor not wiped clean enough, and so on. When I couldn’t bear it anymore, I argued with him, and then didn’t talk to him for a few days. Every time this happened, Master’s Fa would appear in my mind and help me get through the tribulation.

Master said,

“In cultivation, there may be two scenarios when dealing with specific conflicts or when others treat you badly. One is that you might have treated this person badly in your previous life. You feel in your heart that it is unfair, “How can this person treat me like this?” Then why did you treat this person that way in the past? You might claim that you actually did not know it at that time, and this lifetime has nothing to do with another lifetime, but that won’t do.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

All the pain and suffering I encountered in life was to repay the karma that I owed in previous lives, and my family was an environment for me to cultivate in. What my husband did was to help me cultivate and improve my xinxing, and I should be thankful to him.

Ten years ago, my husband began to have an affair. They bought a house and a car, and talked on the phone almost every day. I knew very well that even though they were both enjoying it, they were creating karma for themselves. I advised my husband that by doing this, he was harming both himself and that woman. One day I calmly said to him, “It looks like you have a very good relationship with that woman. It is very pitiful for a woman to come to this world but can’t even enter the marriage hall. We can divorce and you can marry and live with her.”

But he didn’t want to divorce. He said, “I am already old. What can I do? I’m just making friends.” From then on, I took my husband’s extramarital affair more lightly and treated it all with the compassion that I had from cultivating Dafa. My relatives and friends found what I did to be incredible. Some of them felt it very unfair for me and said that I was so great to tolerate him, and how could he not cherish me.

My husband’s relative once said to me, “How could you live with such a selfish person for so many years? It’s been so hard for you! Among our families, you are the person I admire the most. You are the best wife.”

My mother-in-law commented, “If you didn’t practice Dafa, you would have divorced my son a long time ago.”

I replied, “Mom, you’re right! If I hadn’t learned Dafa, there’s no way I’d be still with him.” All my relatives and friends know that Dafa practitioners are good people. Dozens of my relatives quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations. Some of them, including my mother-in-law, saw the changes in me and also started to practice Dafa.

My Husband’s Lung Cancer Disappears

My husband was diagnosed with lung cancer on May 28, 2014, and the doctor suggested that he go to a major hospital in Beijing for further exams. We went to the Beijing 301 Hospital on June 2, and after more examinations, he was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. We went to get treatments in hospitals in our city, the provincial capital city, Beijing, and Guangzhou, and had spent the majority of our savings. However, his condition did not improve. The doctor told me to be mentally prepared, because most people in his condition could only live for up to 12 to 16 months.

A year after he was diagnosed, my husband’s condition worsened. He lost over 30 lb after having chemotherapy, but the cancer cells had metastasized to the cervical lymph nodes, renal lymph nodes, head, and face. His health was declining rapidly, and his mental condition had reached rock bottom. He was very weak and had no strength to even wash his face. He was desperate. He felt there was no use for money as he was about to die, so he began to wildly spend it.

Every time he went to the provincial capital, he would go to the biggest theater to watch shows. A ticket cost several hundred yuan. He invited his family to eat and each meal cost more than a 1,000 yuan. Even his father couldn’t stand it anymore and asked him why he was spending like this. He replied, “Dad, let’s just eat. Money is useless.” Even though I felt very uncomfortable about it, I was still calm. I held myself to the standards of a cultivator and endured all this without saying anything negative to him or having any conflicts with him. I understood that this was a test of whether I could let go of money.

My husband was deeply poisoned by the CCP’s atheist education, and would not believe in anything other than the Party. I clarified the truth to him many times in the past, but he wouldn’t listen. I saw that his condition was getting worse and worse, so I told him directly that only Master could save his life, and asked him to just listen to me. This time he didn’t say anything, so I told him about Dafa and why one must quit the Party. After he understood the truth, he agreed to quit.

He also accepted the amulet that I gave him. He put it in his wallet and took it with him wherever he went. From that day on, a miracle happened: his condition got better by the day! He became more and more energetic, and regained all the weight he lost. From the way he looked, no one could tell that he had a serious illness.

His sister-in-law said that he recovered only because I practice Dafa. My younger brothers and sisters all said to him, “It is your blessing to marry my sister. She practices Dafa, so she can tolerate everything you do. You are still living despite the serious illness because your life is given by Dafa’s Master.”

When we went to the provincial hospital to check my husband’s condition, the department director and the attending doctor were both shocked. They stared at my husband for a while, and said, “This is amazing! We have never had anyone like you who is able to come back for another examination.”

For the past nine years, the hospitals have called us every year to check on my husband’s situation. In fact, they just want to see if my husband was still alive. In June 2023, the provincial hospital called again and my husband picked up the phone. The doctor asked if he was a relative of my husband. My husband said he was the patient, and the doctor thought it was totally unbelievable.

Among my friends and relatives, I have seen and heard of others with this illness and they all passed away within a year and a half. Everyone in our family knows that Dafa’s Master saved my husband’s life. Although my husband has not started practicing Falun Dafa, he knows in his heart that Master saved his life.