(Minghui.org) Practitioners from Yunlin and Chiayi counties in Taiwan celebrated the birthday of Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, and World Falun Dafa Day by holding an event on May 5, 2024 at the Gukeng Green Tunnel in Yunlin County.

Practitioners from Yunlin and Chiayi counties wished Master Li happy birthday.

The waist drum team performed to celebrate Falun Dafa Day.

People watch practitioners perform dances in celebration of Falun Dafa Day.

A man holding a blue balloon and a lotus flower presented by a practitioner dressed as a fairy happily exclaims, “Falun Dafa is good!”

The event featured a peaceful demonstration of Falun Dafa’s five exercises, a waist drum team performance, a classical Chinese dance performance, and a trumpet and saxophone solo. Practitioners distributed information about Falun Dafa to tourists, hoping to share the beauty of Falun Dafa with the world. They also took a group photo to wish Master Li Hongzhi happy birthday.

Event coordinator Xie Yuanqing thanks Master for his grace.

Xie Yuanqing, the practitioner in charge of coordinating the event, said that May 13 is the birthday of Master Li Hongzhi, “The purpose of today’s celebration of May 13 is to let people understand Falun Dafa, because practitioners follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to require of themselves to be better people. They look inward when they encounter difficulties, have a tolerant heart, and do not fight with others. If everyone can follow these principles the world will definitely become better and more peaceful.”

Lin Xingyao, coordinator of the waist drum team, said that there are multiple waist drum teams composed of Falun Dafa practitioners throughout Taiwan. The main purpose is to pass on the beauty of Dafa.

“Over the past ten years, we have gone through a lot of hardships, the most memorable was when we encountered a thunderstorm during a parade. It was a big test, and we were all drenched. But we knew that Master and the Fa were with us, and we walked the entire parade route.”

She exclaimed, “Happy Birthday, Master!”

Lin Jingting said that his music skills improved after he started practicing Falun Dafa.

Lin Jingting, a young practitioner who attends Taiwan’s Niaosong High School of the Arts in Yunlin, won the Asian Cup, Taiwan Cup, Bach Cup, European Cup and other youth wind saxophone competitions in 2023, and won the European Cup for the second time in April 2024.

Lin Jingting lived abroad with his parents when he was a child. He returned to Taiwan to study music at the Niaosong High School of the Arts. He said, “This school is a cultivation environment. Many students practice Falun Dafa, and everyone knows how to look inward when encountering challenges. It’s a great environment.

“I follow the school’s arrangement every day to practice. In terms of the technical major of the school, because of the guidance of great teachers, my music skills have improved.” He said that, “after my xinxing improved, my technique improved.”

Huang Ruyi thanked Master for renewing her life.

Huang Ruyi from Chiayi shared her experience of obtaining the Fa. She said that two years before she began practicing her younger brother showed her Zhuan Falun but she just couldn’t understand why people wanted to cultivate. As the years passed, her health worsened, and her room was full of medicine. She needed to visit doctors five days a week, and every time she had to take injections and medicines. She felt there was no hope in life. After some of her loved ones died, she cried every day. Her younger brother saw her pain, and said, “You cry every day. Why don’t you try practicing Falun Dafa?”

This time Ruyi listened and read Zhuan Falun with him every day. Her stomach stopped hurting. Three months later, she began to practice, and that night she slept well and no longer needed sleeping pills. All kinds of miraculous things increased her confidence in cultivation. Before she began practicing, she spent more than 10,000 yuan (Taiwan dollars) a year to see doctors, but after she began practicing, she is now disease-free. She has not seen a doctor in more than ten years.