(Minghui.org) With the advent of the 2024 Chinese New Year, Falun Dafa practitioners in the military extended their sincere greetings to Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of the practice and wished him a happy holiday.

These practitioners thanked Master Li for teaching Dafa to the world. They felt honored and blessed for the opportunities to practice Dafa. They vowed to be more diligent in their cultivation, better raise awareness about the persecution, and help more people to know the beauty of Dafa and benefit from it.

The well-wishers hailed from the military in the following regions or units:

ChongqingNational Defense Mobilization SystemA Veteran of Air ForceSichuan ProvinceBeijingHunan ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceShaanxi provinceThe General StaffGeneral Armament DepartmentJilin ProvinceYunnan Province