(Minghui.org) To celebrate the 2024 Chinese New Year, Falun Dafa practitioners in China sent in their heartfelt greetings to wish the founder of Falun Dafa, Master Li Hongzhi, a happy Chinese New Year.

They express their sincere gratitude to Master Li for saving them and vow to be more diligent in their daily cultivation in the upcoming new year.

In addition to greetings from practitioners, supporters from across China also sent in greetings. These non-practitioners usually have family members, colleagues, friends, or neighbors that practice Falun Dafa. Even if they don’t practice Falun Dafa themselves, they identify with its principles and condemn the persecution being carried out by the Chinese communist regime.

The greetings sent from the following regions including four families of six people:

BeijingHarbin City, Heilongjiang ProvinceBazhong City, Sichuan ProvinceShenyang City and Dalian City, Liaoning ProvinceChengdu City and Meishan City, Sichuan ProvinceXingtai City and Zhangjiakou City, Hebei ProvinceLinfeng City, Shanxi ProvinceShaanxi ProvinceJiangmen City and Enping City, Guangdong Province