(Minghui.org) A 71-year-old former nurse in Siping City, Jilin Province, was abused while serving four years for practicing Falun Gong. Ms. Jing Fengyun’s buttocks festered and her hip bones were exposed. She had difficulty moving around and had cognitive impairment.

Ms. Jing’s ordeal stemmed from her arrest on September 11, 2022. She was sentenced to four years on April 28, 2023 and was sent to Division Eight of the Jilin Province Women’s Prison at an unknown date.

Ms. Jing was assigned to Unit 7 (also known as the strict management team) of Division Eight, which was designated to persecute steadfast Falun Gong practitioners. She was forced to sit on a small bench which was covered in raised patterns from 4 a.m. to as late as 10 p.m. every day. She was not allowed to wash herself or use the restroom during the sitting torture. She also wasn’t given enough food.

Two inmates stood on each side of her and a third stood behind her. As soon as she moved slightly or failed to sit upright, the third inmate would stab an acupuncture point on her lower back. She felt sharp pain after each stab.

At one point Ms. Jing refused to sit on the bench anymore. She moved to the cold cement floor but the inmates poured cold water on the ground and on her body. They also opened the window to let cold air blow on her. Ms. Jing shivered and was dragged up to sit on the bench again. This torture was repeated the next day.

Other practitioners subjected to the same sitting torture also had their buttocks fester and blood and pus oozed out. Some had trouble taking off their underwear which was stuck to their flesh.

Ms. Jing’s buttocks developed sores that became infected and her bones were exposed. She now has mobility issues and is mentally confused. Another practitioner, Ms. Jin Min, suffered a stroke after the sitting torture and was unable to take care of herself.

The prison guards also forced most of the practitioners and the inmates to do hard labor. While Ms. Jing was not ordered to do hard labor, other practitioners were forced to finish a daily quota or they will be beaten or forced to sit on small benches.

The few inmates that were exempted from hard labor usually spent their time helping the guards watch the practitioners around the clock. Two such inmates are Dai Yu and Qi Xin, who are serving 10 and 17 years, respectively, for fraud. Dai’s husband is also serving ten years at a different prison for fraud. The prison allowed her to call her husband on a regular basis and gave the couple’s two children subsidies every year. As such, Dai did whatever the guards instructed her to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, including Ms. Jing. Qi was also given privilege and favor for persecuting practitioners. She once denied practitioner Ms. Liu Jun, who had a disability, from using the restroom and she soiled her pants.

Past Persecution

Prior to her latest persecution, Ms. Jing previously served two labor camp terms (September 2000 – January 2001 and July 2009 – January 2011) and two prison terms (February 2002 – February 2007 and October 2015 – October 2017).

Ms. Jing was given one year of forced labor after she was arrested in September 2000. She was released ahead of time, around January 2001, after the police extorted some money from her family. Her employer, the Siping City First People’s Hospital, forced her to retire early in February 2001, when she was only 48 years old.

Her next arrest took place in February 2002. She was later sentenced to five years in the Jilin Province Women’s Prison, also known as the Heizuizi Women’s Prison.

Ms. Jing was arrested again in July 2009 and given two years of forced labor. She was released six months ahead of time.

After another arrest on October 13, 2015, Ms. Jing was sentenced to two years and served time at the Jilin Province Women’s Prison. She was released ahead of time on October 15, 2017.

Ms. Jing was brutally tortured each time she was detained. Some of the torture methods included being handcuffed in a spread-eagle position and suspended in the air with her four limbs tied to bed frames (see images below). During each torture session, she was not allowed to use the restroom, but was forced to drink an excessive amount of water and eat an excessive amount of food. The guards and inmates took pleasure in watching her wetting and soiling her pants. They did not allow her to change her clothes and she developed bed sores. Sometimes to prevent lingering smell in the room, they removed her soiled underwear and kept her naked, all the while insulting her with foul language.

Torture illustration: cuffed in a spread-eagle position

Torture illustration: suspended in the air

Ms. Jing screamed in pain every time she was put through above torture. To drown out her cries, prison guard Liu Chunyang turned disco music to the maximum volume and danced to the music himself. He would not let her down until she passed out, only to subject her to the same stretching torture later. Ms. Jing’s ankles broke and her tendon was exposed. Sje lost feeling in her left foot.

Liu also often kneaded Ms. Jing’s mouth with shoes. She bled as a result. Another time Liu squeezed Ms. Liu’s head through the bed rail at night and pressed her head and shoulder down hard. She felt like dying and only then did Liu stop. But the damage was already done. Ms. Jing’s right shoulder and right elbow became deformed. She was also confused.

While serving her second forced labor term, Ms. Jing was shocked with electric batons and she was covered in blisters. She developed high blood pressure and blurry vision. She was released six months early.

Related Article in Chinese:

修大法做好人 吉林省景凤云屡遭冤狱酷刑

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