(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners founded the Global Service Center for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 20 years ago. The goal was to help members of the CCP and its affiliated organizations, including the Youth League and the Young Pioneers, quit their memberships. So far, 437 million people have announced their withdrawals from the organizations after understanding what the Party is truly like and learning about the crimes it has committed against humanity.

Volunteers from the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP help people in Toronto’s Chinatown quit the CCP.

“We Misunderstood Falun Gong”

It was a cold day as a practitioner put up posters that clarified the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong in Toronto’s Chinatown. She offered a flyer to a young woman who refused to take it, saying irritably, “I don’t understand. Why would an elderly person like yourself not stay warm at home and instead come here to hand out flyers? Do you really think you’ll overthrow the CCP by doing this?”

The practitioner calmly explained, “I’m not handing out flyers because I want to overthrow the CCP. I do it because I want to speak up and let people know that the CCP is persecuting Falun Gong.” The practitioner told her that Falun Dafa teaches Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance and that there is no law in China that says the practice is illegal. She told the young woman that religious beliefs are supposed to be protected in China because its Constitution says that citizens have freedom of belief.

The woman said, “I heard that you get paid to come here and protest the CCP.”

“That’s nonsense. The banners, posters, and flyers you see here are paid for by practitioners’ hard-earned money and savings,” the practitioner told her.

The woman’s expression softened and she said, “I see, I didn’t know that.”

The practitioner told her how practitioners in China have suffered and been killed in the persecution: “The CCP persecutes not only practitioners but all Chinese people. Since the CCP seized power, its movements have caused the unnatural deaths of 80 million Chinese.” The practitioner suggested the woman quit the CCP to stay safe.

The woman agreed and said, “The CCP is terribly evil. Yes, I’ll quit.”

When her friend came over, she told him, “We misunderstood Falun Gong. Practitioners are good people. This woman just helped me quit the Youth League and Young Pioneers.” He also quit the two organizations.

The couple soon returned with cups of hot coffee for practitioners and said they wanted to help them stay warm. The woman said, “We’re here on vacation. After listening to what you said, I feel our trip here has been worthwhile and the money well-spent. We’ve decided to postpone our return and stay in Toronto for a few more days to learn more about Falun Gong and the situation outside of China.”

Woman Who Spit on Poster Quits the CCP

One summer day, a practitioner handed a flyer to a woman who was chewing sunflower seeds. The woman threw the seeds in the practitioner’s face and then spit on a poster. She screamed, “Traitor!” and left.

The practitioner hurried after her and said, “We are not traitors to China. It was Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese leader, who ceded vast areas of China’s land to Russia for personal gain.

“We want the best for our country. That is why we tell people about the persecution. The CCP has never stopped persecuting its own people. The CCP is persecuting me today, but it might just be you tomorrow.” The practitioner then explained what Falun Gong is and said, “If everyone practiced Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, China would not be how it is today.”

The woman calmed down and apologized: “I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened.” The practitioner told her that it wasn’t her fault because the CCP had lied to her and she’d been deceived by its propaganda.

When the practitioner suggested she quit the CCP so that she could stay safe and not be implicated for its crimes, the woman agreed with a big smile, “Yes, yes, I will quit! You’ve explained what confused me in the past.”

Christian Sees the CCP for What It Is

A group of Chinese who said they were Christians came to the Service Center, and one man remarked, “Falun Gong’s efforts to beat the CCP haven’t worked and are an embarrassment.”

The practitioner told him that she was in her 80s but is healthier now than when she was 50. “Before I practiced Falun Gong, I had many health problems and was on the verge of death. Now I’m healthy thanks to Falun Gong.”

She told them about the stone in Guizhou Province, China, with the characters “The Chinese Communist Party [will] perish” on it and said, “Experts in geology examined the stone and concluded that the characters were naturally formed 270 million years ago.”

When she asked if he wanted to quit the CCP, the man declined, saying that he was a Christian. The practitioner said, “Marx practiced Satanism, which is atheistic and against God. You swore to fight for communism when you joined the communist organizations. Do you think God still accepts you?” The man agreed to quit the CCP organizations he’d joined.