(Minghui.org) After I began to practice Falun Dafa in 1998, I had many amazing experiences. The following are two examples.
My husband and I were driving back to my hometown one day in June 2016. He ran into a bridge rail on the side of the road. The windshield was shattered, and both airbags were deployed. I was seated in the front passenger side and did not have my seat belt on. I bounced up and was thrown out of the car after being hit by the airbags.
I felt my soul leave my body and float upward. The feeling was wonderful. I was later told that my husband tried to wake me up, but got no response. He called my nephew for help. When my nephew arrived he saw that I was unconscious even though he saw no injuries.
My husband shouted, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I woke up and felt excruciating pain. My nephew was relieved and his wife said, “It’s so fortunate that she practices Falun Dafa. The car is totaled, but she’s alive.”
My nephew immediately took me to the hospital. The hospital was close, but driving over the bumpy road caused me excruciating pain. I firmly believed that I would be fine because I am protected by Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa.
After a thorough checkup, the doctor said, “She is fine. No blood or fluid in the brain.” My husband was puzzled, “Then why was she unconscious for so long?”
The doctor replied, “Well, it’s probably a mild concussion (in fact I had no nausea or headache). She should stay here for 7 days to have an anti-inflammatory treatment.”I told my husband, “Since I’m fine, I want to go home.”
My husband didn’t insist but told me to take a break at home for the next week.
My pain didn’t go away immediately. It was difficult for me to walk upstairs to my home on the fifth floor. Whenever I moved, I grimaced in pain. I knew the best way to recover was doing the Falun Dafa exercises. But my husband insisted I lie still as the doctor suggested. So I did the exercises after he fell asleep.
In the beginning, I had to grit my teeth for every stretching movement. I thought maybe I’d just do it gently. I later decided I should do it correctly no matter how painful it was, and I did the first three sets of exercises. When I tried to do the fourth exercise, I couldn’t bend down because my lower back and legs were in so much pain. I told myself, “I would separate me from the being that is causing me pain.” After I finished all the exercises, I was sweating heavily. I had trouble sleeping that night.
Identifying My Attachment
The next two days, I continued to do the exercises but my situation didn’t improve. On the afternoon of the third day, another practitioner Mei came to visit me. She seriously told me, “You have to look inward.” I said, “I did, but I can’t find the reason.”
Mei shared her experience of how she overcame an ordeal after looking inward. Inspired by her experience, I suddenly saw my attachment. “I found it – my heart was filled with resentment,” I said.
“After I sued Jiang Zemin, the former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), for persecuting Falun Dafa, I was not allowed to teach. Instead I was assigned to work in the kitchen. People often treated me sarcastically either intentionally or unintentionally. What I couldn’t stand is that a colleague who I helped a lot with teaching also scolded me. She was unhappy because my library work was assigned to her. She scolded me many times and caused me to cry. I was resentful.”
I suddenly understood why both airbags where deployed – because I was full of grievances! I found more attachments, such as jealousy and fear of losing face. As soon as I had this realization I felt something was removed from my body. I felt refreshed and the pain disappeared. Dafa is so amazing!
The next day I rode my electric bicycle to work. I met the principal at the school gate. He learned about my car accident when my husband requested a short leave for me. He asked with eyes wide open, “Why you are here?” I said, “I am fine.”
He smiled, “I know, it must be because you practice Falun Dafa.” “You are right!” I replied. He continued, “That’s great, please continue practicing.”
Many people in my village saw the ruined car which was towed back by my nephew. They were all amazed. After this incident one of them who was against Falun Dafa said Falun Dafa was good.
Cut Heals in Two Days
One day last spring, I used a razor blade to remove some misprinted characters on an old version of Zhuan Falun. Around 10:30 p.m. I packed up all my things and went to turn off the lights. I don’t know how, but the blade cut into my right knee. Blood was gushing out, and a band aid was not enough to stop it.
I started to loudly say, “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” My daughter hurried to wrap my knee. The bleeding stopped. The wound was right in the middle of my knee which is the toughest place to heal.
I woke up in pain around 2 a.m. I took a look at the wound, and it looked like it was still bleeding. I did the five exercises, but I did the fifth for half an hour instead of one hour with legs double crossed. After sunrise, I called one of my students who worked in the hospital and asked him to stitch up my wound.
My student came and found that the wound was too long to deal with, so he took me to the hospital. The doctor said, “The cut is deep and it reaches to the bone.” Since it was past the best time for stitching, he suggested I be hospitalized for one week, and then he would decide whether to suture it. He said it would take about two weeks to recover. I refused to be hospitalized.
My student brought me to his mother’s clinic, and said his mother might have a better treatment. His mother was in her 60s and ran the clinic for many years. I’ve been friends with his mother for years and she is very supportive of Falun Dafa. She checked my wound and said, “Based on my experience, if you don’t stitch it up, such a big wound can get infected.” I told her, “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” She put some Chinese medicine on gauze and wrapped it up again.
On the third day, she came to my home to change the dressing. She got a bowl of salt water and prepared to clean the wound. However, after she unwrapped the gauze, the wound was almost healed. She was shocked, “Falun Dafa is really amazing! It healed so well in just one day with no bruising at all!”
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