(Minghui.org) I am a retired teacher. I sued Jiang Zemin, former leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), using my real name in 2015. The CCP prepared three so-called “study classes” for me, which were actually brainwashing sessions. The intention was to force me to give up my faith, but they did not succeed.
Several school administrators came to my home twice before the brainwashing sessions. The first time, two principals came. One of them said to me, “You are in such good health and look great.” I was 68 years old.
I told them that I improved my health by practicing Falun Dafa. “I had all sorts of illnesses in the past, and now I am truly healthy,” I said. “I have not taken any medicine, nor had any injections during the past 20 years.” We talked for a while, then they left.
Someone from the school branch committee came the second time. After sitting down, the first thing he asked was if I still practiced Falun Dafa. I replied firmly, “Yes! It is such a good cultivation practice, why shouldn’t I?” He seemed shocked when he heard this. I continued to talk about the improvements in my health after practicing Dafa. I told him that it has miraculous effects on curing diseases and keeping fit, and that the most important thing about the practice is to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and be a good person.
I told him that the Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident was staged, and pointed out several questionable points. He didn’t push any further. Before he left, he said, “I will show you some documents from the People’s Congress next time.” He thought that the documents showed that Falun Dafa was a cult, but it did not mention Falun Dafa in the list of cults.
A member of the school’s branch committee called me in October 2016, and said, “The district 610 Office will come to the school to talk with you tomorrow morning.” I told them that I had to take care of my elderly parents, and didn’t have time for them. I was a little nervous, not knowing what the consequences would be.
After telling a fellow practitioner about this, she suggested that I go to my child’s home to hide for a while. I thought of Master’s words:
“Should you have fear,it will seize upon you.If your thoughts are righteous,evil will collapse ...” (“What’s to fear?”, Hong Yin)
I decided not to go anywhere. I would just study the Fa more and face the officials with righteous thoughts.
I persisted in studying the Fa every day. I kept hand-copying Hong Yin IV by Master Li [the founder of Falun Dafa] and listened to practitioners’ experience sharing articles on the Minghui website. In the meantime, I prepared what I would say to the 610 Office agents. By this time, I had the Fa in my heart. I held no fear, and was at ease.
I tidied up a little, so as to present a good impression as a Dafa disciple for the brainwashing session. My husband encouraged me and said, “Don’t be afraid, we are good people, we are upright. I am waiting for you at home.” I told him not to worry. I would not sign anything, and would come back home safely.
When I arrived there, I shook hands with each of them, just like meeting friends. The school leader introduced the visitors to me. Two were from the 610 Office, one from the district education committee, one from the administration office, and two were school administrators. There was a total of six altogether.
A 610 officer sat across from me said, “Your school leaders have made a pledge that you will not practice Falun Dafa anymore. Let’s make it a reality.”
The other 610 officer said in a very displeasing tone, “You filed complaints against Jiang Zemin. How could you sue the president of the country?” I ignored him, as if I didn’t hear him. He mumbled to himself out loud, “Why doesn’t she take this seriously?” Thinking back about it now, I should have told them what crimes Jiang had committed; that suing Jiang is our constitutional right; we did nothing wrong and did not break the law. But I didn’t, and I regret it.
I looked at the 610 officer across from me and told everyone there about the positive changes I experienced in my health after I learned Dafa. “I suffered from various ailments before. The hyperplasia of the cervical spine was so severe that my entire body was numb, my heart was not good, my blood pressure was high, and I was on anti-hypertensive drugs.
“When my blood pressure returned to normal after practicing the Dafa exercises for only a week, I thought that this practice was miraculous. I threw all the medicines I had in the drawer into the trash. I shouted that I would never have anything to do with medicine from now on. My hands and feet were no longer numb, and I could sleep well at night. I felt agile and strong. I have done the exercises for more than 20 years, and I have had no need to take any medicine.”
I was a little emotional, but they listened quietly and no one interrupted me.
One of the 610 officers stood up and asked the school leader to go outside with him. They came back in a while, but did not say what they had talked about. The school leader later told me that the 610 officer wanted him to expel me from the CCP, but was told that I was no longer a Party member.
The 610 officer said to me in a threatening tone, “Four Falun Dafa practitioners in our district filed complaints against Jiang. Some were expelled from the Party, some were fired, and some were charged by the procuratorate. If you do not give up practicing Dafa, your unit will be disqualified from the year-end evaluation, the teachers won’t get their bonus, and they will resent you.”
I was not moved, thinking it was not my fault. As he was leaving, he said, “We’ll find a ‘transformed’ middle school teacher to persuade you next time.”
After I returned home, I said to myself, “I will not see that ‘transformed’ person.” But on second thought, this person was also a former fellow practitioner, so I thought that I should take this opportunity to help her.
In the second brainwashing session, they arranged for this person to have a private conversation with me. We sat close to each other. My first sentence in our conversation was, “How did you become ‘transformed?’ Your facial expression doesn’t look welcoming.”
This former practitioner had been taken to a detention center because she hung up banners. Her mind was quite righteous at first. The police told her, “You had to go to the hospital to cure your illness. Why didn’t your Master care about you?” The words hit right in her heart. She had been bleeding for a long time, and thought Master didn’t care about her, and so she went to the hospital.
I felt sorry for her. I told her a lot about myself and Dafa. She didn’t say a word to try to persuade me to renounce Dafa. It felt like I was playing the main role.
I went back into the main room, and wanted to clarify the truth to the people there, but the school leaders stopped me every time I tried. They had made the pledge for me to renounce Dafa. They knew that I would reveal the truth if I spoke. I changed the subject and said that after obtaining the Fa, I became indifferent to seeking fame and fortune. I gave up my inheritance, and lived in harmony with my brothers and sisters.
When I mentioned that my son-in-law found an iPhone and returned it to the owner, the person from the district education committee commented, “This has a good impact on society’s morals.”
I told them that when I was hit by a car, there was no need to go to the hospital, and I didn’t ask for a penny in compensation from the driver. I told the driver, “Don’t worry. I won’t get you in trouble.” The 610 officer who’d threatened me said with emotion, “People nowadays want to fleece others, but can’t find the opportunity.” Someone else added, “True!”
The 610 officer sitting across from me said, “Our mission will be accomplished if you just say you will stop practicing.” I maintained my thought: I will practice!
Another 610 officer asked me if my children supported me in practicing Falun Dafa. I answered, “Who would not want their mother to be in good health?”
He agreed. At the end of the session, he said, “We’ll find a ‘transformation expert’ to work with you.”
“Don’t bother,” I replied.
In the third brainwashing session, this “expert” did not come, but a person in his 40s did. The 610 officer introduced him as an official from the city. I knew right away that he belonged to the city’s 610 Office. I thought: I didn’t get to say what I wanted to in the last two sessions because they stopped me. This time I will not lose the opportunity.
The man just repeated the lies propagated by the state-run media. I interrupted him, as one of them tried to stop me, and said: “What is Falun Dafa? It is Buddha Law.” I told him why Jiang Zemin persecuted Falun Dafa. No one interrupted me this time. I told them solemnly at the end, “The ‘Civil Servant Law’ clearly states that civil servants who knowingly follow bad orders from their superiors must be held accountable.”
In this way, the brainwashing sessions ended. My pension was paid to me as usual, and the school was also rated as an excellent performer. I now have a deeper understanding of Master’s Fa:
“When disciples have ample righteous thoughts Master has the power to turn the tide.” (“The Master Disciple Bond,” Hong Yin II)
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Category: Clarifying the Truth