(Minghui.org) Practitioners were invited to participate in a parade held in Batam to celebrate Indonesia’s 78th Independence Day on August 13, 2023. Their performances were well received.
Practitioners joined Indonesia’s Independence Day parade in Batam on August 13, 2023.
About 5,000 people and over 50 floats participated in the event which was held at Dataran Engku Hamidah Park. The day-long event started at 7:30 a.m. Spectators said they were glad to see the traditional and folk costumes of Indonesia, along with floats representing government agencies and various organizations.
People accepted information about Falun Dafa.
Led by the waist drum team dressed in traditional gold costumes, the practitioners’ group included a dancing heavenly maiden team, followed by practitioners carrying Indonesia’s national flag and red and white balloons (Indonesia’s national colors). Many people applauded their music and dancing.
The waist drum team performed “Falun Dafa is Good” in front of the stage.
Many dignitaries and government officials were there, including Marlin Agustina, vice governor of the Riau Islands, and Batam mayor Muhammad Rudi.
Before the performance, the host read practitioners’ greetings for the event. The greetings said they were happy to be part of Indonesia’s 78th Independence Day celebrations along with other communities, and wished a happy, peaceful society consistent with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
Chitra Widya (center) is director of the Batam Island Youth and Sports Bureau.
Chitra Widya, Batam Island Youth and Sports Bureau director, thanked Falun Dafa practitioners for their contribution. She invited them to participate in the celebrations every year.
Officer Budianto said that he was happy to see practitioners at the event. He was impressed by their performances and said he hopes to see them again.
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