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Guangdong Woman Has Finger Slit and is Sexually Abused After Being Arrested for Her Faith

July 11, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Guangdong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Yu Mei, of Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, had her finger slit and was sexually abused after she was arrested for exposing the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Gong.

Ms. Yu, 56, and another Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Wu Shaochuan, were seized on May 14, 2023 after a college student reported them for talking to her about the persecution.

Ms. Yu Mei

Ms. Yu and Ms. Wu were body searched at the Cunjin Police Station in Chikan District of Zhanjiang City. Ms. Yu struggled when the police tried to photograph her and collect her fingerprints. Several heavy-build officers then held her down and slit one of her fingers with a sharp blade. They then smeared her blood on their interrogation records.

The police drove Ms. Yu back to her home at around 11 p.m. that night for a raid. She yelled, “The police arrested good people,” when the police cruiser pulled up to her apartment building.

An officer used the key snatched from her to try to open her door, but somehow he couldn’t. Ms. Yu kept shouting, “The police arrested good people” and drew a crowd. The police then gave up raiding her home and took her back to the police station.

The police took Ms. Yu and Ms. Wu to the Chikan District Hospital the next day at around 6 p.m. for physical examinations. Ms. Yu refused to have her blood pressure measured and blood drawn. Two officers held her shoulders tight, and a third officer pulled her arm for the nurse to draw her blood.

Next up was an electrocardiogram, and the police carried her to the exam table and ripped open her shirt and skirt for the male doctors to examine her against her will. After that, two officers forcibly took her to have an X-ray.

Ms. Yu and Ms. Wu were taken straight to the Zhanjiang City Lockup after the physical examinations.

A guard at the lockup ordered Ms. Yu to squat upon arrival. She refused and two strong men kneed her down. She couldn’t breathe, and struggled with all her might. The guard raised his hand trying to punch her, and she yelled, “The guard is beating people!” Since there were many other inmates watching, the guard gave up his attempt to beat her.

Several guards next dragged Ms. Yu to a locker room and ordered her to change into the inmate’s uniform. She refused, and two guards immediately stripped her to her underwear. They then cuffed her hands behind her back. A female guard pulled Ms. Yu’s underwear loose, and asked the male guards present to look into her underwear.

The police came to the lockup at the end of Ms. Yu and Ms. Wu’s 15-day detention and attempted to arrest them again. They refused to get into the police cruiser and the officers whipped out handcuffs. A guard at the lockup stopped the police from handcuffing the two women.

The police, though, insisted that Ms. Yu take them to her home for a raid. She said no and they snatched her key. They didn’t find anything they wanted at her home. Only then did they leave.

This was not the first time that Ms. Yu had been targeted for her faith in Falun Gong. She had been harassed and arrested numerous times since the persecution began 24 years ago. Following one of her arrests, the police inserted a hard object into her vagina.

Her husband was so worried about her that he fell ill. He died in 2006, in his late 30s.

Ms. Yu was sentenced to four years in prison after she was arrested again in August 2016. She was brutally tortured during her imprisonment, and was on the verge of death several times. By the time she was released, she had lost half of her body weight, and all of her hair had turned gray.

Perpetrators’ Contact Information:

Cunjin Police Station: +86-759-3339115Chen Zhichao (陈志超), police instructor: +86-13702887063Lao Yonglun (劳永伦), police instructor: +86-13822520906

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