(Minghui.org) There is a local fellow practitioner who is almost 70 years old, and she walks faster than young people.

We have known each other for almost 20 years, and I have never heard her say she was tired. She walks like a young person, looks like a young person, and works like a young person; young people can’t beat her.

In her words, she has plenty of energy that cannot be used up, and she has endless energy energy to do the three things. She has never stopped saving people all year round. Even when she was very busy, she would tell people the facts about Dafa while throwing out the trash.

Once she went out to tell people about Dafa and met three workers digging pipes. Two of them were digging underground, and one was above. She first clarified the truth to the two down below, saying, “You guys are working hard. Is it tiring?”

The two said, “Someone has to do it even though it is tiring. We need to support our family. We ordinary people can only earn money by doing low-wage labor. Our monthly pay is not even enough for a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official’s meal.”

The practitioner began to clarify the truth: “All officials are corrupt these days. The natural and man-made disasters are here to eliminate people. It is heaven’s will to destroy the CCP. People who have joined the CCP should quit it in their hearts. I hope you have a bright future and stay safe!”

One of the two said he had worn a red scarf (part of the Young Pioneers uniform), and the other said he had joined the Young Pioneers and the Communist Youth League. Both happily agreed to quit after listening to the practitioner’s speech. The practitioner told them to remember, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” They agreed.

When the practitioner talked to the third person, he said, “If I quit the CCP, will I get a wife?” The practitioner said, “You’re almost 50. How come you’re not married yet?” He said, “Because I need money to drink.” The practitioner encouraged him to live more virtuously and explained the reason why he needed to withdraw from the CCP.

After the practitioner helped him quit the CCP organizations, he smiled and said, “I understand now. From now on, I will get rid of my bad habits and become a good person. Dafa’s Master will take care of me.”

I saw him driving a 60-ton truck a few days later. He shouted at us from a distance, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” His voice echoed in the sky.

I teamed up with two elderly practitioners one day. This old couple was very good at clarifying the truth. The male practitioner took the initiative to talk to a man coming over, “Take your time, Sir. It’s safer that way.” The man stopped, chatted, and shook hands with the practitioner. The practitioner said, “You are in a good shape for your age. You look like a big boss.” The guy laughed.

The practitioner continued, “But peace and safety is more important than money. It is not something that you can buy. I have a gift of peace and safety for you. One is to recite ‘Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ Another is to quit the CCP organizations. You look like an upright and kind person; please believe me. Remember ‘Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ and quit the CCP. You will then be saved.” He agreed.

Shortly after speaking with that person, we met a man having difficulty walking. The male practitioner greeted him. It turned out that he had had a stroke over a year ago. When asked about his job and if he had joined the CCP, he said proudly that he had been a Party member for over 40 years. He said several practitioners had introduced Falun Dafa to him, and that he did not believe them and would not quit the CCP either.

The practitioner began to talk about the origin of the CCP and its evil nature, and explained to him that he had been deceived for 40 years. At the end the man thanked the practitioner, shook hands with him, and said that he now knew the truth.

This practitioner is almost 70 years old, and he clarifies the truth very well. He looked inward when people rejected him or tried to drive him away, and the situation would then change.

One day, he clarified the truth to the owner of a recycling station. The person would not listen and continued to squat there and work. The elderly practitioner bent down and said to him, “Young man, I’m telling you all this for your own good! Don’t fool yourself! What I’m talking about has your life at stake! You know that the CCP preaches atheism, which made you join the Young Pioneers when you were a child. Do you know why?”

The man said no.

“Because the CCP is a life that is made of evil. It knows that the divine will come to save people in the future. In order to prevent people from being saved, it makes you join the Young Pioneers when you are young and had you sign your name. From then on, you have been under its control. In fact, you were kidnapped by it. When you grew up, they kept brainwashing you with atheism, making you not recognize the divine and cut off your connection with them. Then they’ve achieved the goal of destroying you.”

The man raised his head at this time, looked at the practitioner, and said, “Does that mean I need to quit the Party too?”

The practitioner said: “Yes. Whether you quit it or not is up to you. You wear the mark of the beast on your forehead. The divine will not save you when they come to save people if you still wear the evil Party’s mark. How can they save you in that case?”

The man said, “I guess I need to be sincere?”

The practitioner said, “Yes, you will be safe after quitting it.”

He said happily: “Okay! I wish you well too.”

The practitioner told him to tell his friends and relatives; he laughed.

The practitioner was looking inward throughout the process. He turned the table by reasoning patiently with the person and untying many knots in his heart.