(Minghui.org) I am an elderly Falun Dafa practitioner, who started cultivating in 1997. Before obtaining Falun Dafa, I suffered from many incurable conditions, including severe arthritis, cardiac conditions, atrophic gastritis, and gynecological diseases. I ran out of money to pay for my medical treatments, and my condition deteriorated to the point that I found myself unable to work normally. Fearing for my life, I asked a friend to help me consult a fortune teller. The fortune teller predicted I would die of a heart attack at the age of 55. I was in my forties then.
Just as I was at my most desperate time, a friend introduced me to Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa). She told me, “Falun Gong has miraculous effects in curing diseases and keeping people healthy. You don’t have to spend a cent.” Grasping this offered a lifeline, I went with her the following morning at three o’clock to a Falun Dafa practice site, where 70 or 80 people were already practicing the second set of exercises. I started learning the exercise movements but fainted within minutes of holding my arms up. When I regained consciousness, I heard a voice asking, “What’s wrong with you? Although I was awake, I found myself unable to see anything. When I responded to the voices, they replied, “Don’t be afraid, Master is purifying your body.” Two coordinators helped me sit on a low wall. By then, my stomach was churning uncomfortably, and I felt like throwing up. Physically supported by two coordinators, we ran to the toilet where I immediately vomited and had diarrhea. Everything that came out was just water. Yet after half an hour, my head felt clearer, and I could see. When a coordinator asked about my condition, I told her I was okay. We made our way back and I continued learning the exercises. As I was walking home afterward, my body felt light and my mood was much improved. From then on, I visited the site each morning to practice the exercises.
When I visited the practice site on the third day, a coordinator told me, “Just practicing the exercises isn’t enough. You need to obtain a copy of the book Zhuan Falun.” Having studied in school for only three years, I found many words and sentences incomprehensible. Undeterred, I sought help from others and a dictionary and soon found myself able to read Zhuan Falun proficiently. From the book, I realized the goal of practicing Falun Gong was not to cure illnesses but to cultivate one’s level until enlightenment. I also found out all illnesses were fundamentally caused by karma.
Starting from the day I began practicing the exercises, I found myself vomiting mouthfuls of water each morning. This state lasted for over a month, after which I found my health had greatly improved. My weight increased, my complexion became brighter, and my stamina improved to the point that I no longer felt exhausted at work.
2. Dafa Improved My Morality
As an ordinary worker at a garment factory, I strive to meet the standards of a cultivator and do my best, regardless of whether the job falls within my scope of work or not. Factory employees at our workplace take turns cleaning the premises. Whenever colleagues must leave early for home or are absent due to special circumstances, I take the initiative to perform the cleaning duties for them. When conflicts arise between myself and my colleagues, I practice tolerance according to Master’s teachings. A colleague named Ming (pseudonym) started eating a bag of melon seeds during her lunch break. Seeing her melon seed shells scattered across the floor, I voluntarily picked up a broom and swept the floor clean. Not only did sister Ming not thank me, she also started scolding me in front of everyone who was present. Nobody had ever treated me so unreasonably. If not for Falun Dafa, I would have retaliated and beaten her up. Instead, I calmly endured her scolding. As our colleagues were staring at us with baffled expressions, the factory director came out from her office and asked, “Who is she scolding?” I replied, “She is scolding me!” The factory director laughed and said, “Your character has improved! If something like this had happened before, you would’ve hit her.”
In July 1999, the CCP began suppressing Falun Gong. Officers from our district's 610 Office visited our factory and asked if any of the employees practiced Falun Gong. My previous words and actions must have impressed my bosses and colleagues because the factory director instantly told them no. Afterward, the factory director told me, “Practitioners of Falun Gong are all good people. I won’t surrender you to them!” Over time, I explained to my colleagues the truth behind the persecution of Dafa. Now my colleagues all know that Falun Dafa and its practitioners are good people.
During my interactions with friends and relatives, I continue to uphold the standards required of a Falun Dafa practitioner. I have one elder brother and five younger sisters. One of my younger sisters passed away at the age of 43. When my brother-in-law remarried, his children found themselves unable to get along well with his new wife. I stepped in and took over their care until they graduated from school and started their own families. Naturally, the children developed a close relationship with me. Having witnessed all this, my neighbors commented, “Only Falun Gong practitioners would be willing to do this!”
3. Unmoved in the Face of Pressure
My family initially supported my cultivation, but after the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong began, my family attempted to dissuade me out of fear. This was particularly true for my husband, who worked in civil service. His superiors visited him repeatedly, pressuring him to make me give up Falun Dafa. My husband and my sisters confronted me one day and demanded I give up the practice. Pressured by them, I cried but refused to say that I would no longer practice. At this point, my mother spoke from the side, “Stop it. You will drive her mad if you try to persuade her anymore.” My sisters gave up and returned home. When my husband realized he had yet to fulfill this task assigned by his leaders, he told me, “Me or Dafa, you can only choose one.” Hearing his words, I started crying again. My heart was in pain. If I chose Dafa, our family would be torn apart, and it would affect our three children’s futures. Yet if I chose my husband, I would have to give up Dafa. After a while, I said to my husband, “I choose Dafa. Dafa restored my health, extended my lifespan, and allowed me to cultivate to enlightenment. I will look for a house to rent this afternoon.” My husband softened after hearing my answer, “Forget it. Just practice since you are so determined.”
From then on, he secretly supported my cultivation. Once, while distributing truth-clarification pamphlets, a whistleblower reported me to the authorities and a car from the 610 Office soon arrived and parked itself outside my door. I had Shen Yun CDs, the book Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and truth-clarification pamphlets at home. Concerned for my safety, a fellow practitioner offered to take them off my hands. Yet my husband refused and said to me, “We cannot expose others to danger.” At around 8 pm, the 610 Office vehicle drove off and I walked out of our home to distribute the truth-clarification materials. When I returned at 10 p.m., I saw my husband looking outside intently with his face against the window pane! I realized my husband was not against Falun Dafa, but had acted out of fear of being persecuted.
I discovered I was being followed the next day when I visited a salon for a haircut. When I sat down, the man seated behind me whipped out his cell phone and tried to take my image reflected in the mirror. I was unafraid, as I knew Master was by my side. I asked Master to ensure his camera could not capture my face, and soon after, the man put his phone away. I learned that when Dafa disciples have adequate righteous thoughts, Master can help resolve all dangerous situations.
4. Using Every Opportunity to Clarify the Truth About Dafa
When my son started dating, his girlfriend’s parents asked to meet me. I prepared some gifts and made the trip down to their hometown to a city in southern China. There, I met the girl’s elder sister, brother-in-law, and parents. The family was harmonious and the girl’s parents were simple and kind people. Over the meal, I disclosed my status as a Falun Gong practitioner and told them Falun Gong is a Buddhist practice that cultivates Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I also explained how Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party, jealous of the large number of Falun Gong cultivators, abused his power to suppress Falun Gong. I also explained all the different evidence that indicated the Tiananmen self-immolation incident was a hoax cooked up by Jiang’s minions.
My son was sitting next to me, and he was so frightened that he kept tapping my foot in an attempt to stop me from talking. I ignored him and continued explaining to his girlfriend’s family the truth about Falun Dafa. Afterward, the girl’s father remarked, “Jiang is most afraid of Falun Gong. He is the worst.” The girl’s mother continued, “I hate the Communist Party! My uncle, a high-level intellectual, was persecuted to death during the Cultural Revolution.” The girl’s sister and brother-in-law also voiced their support for Falun Gong and its practitioners. Everyone appeared to accept the truth.
As we were making our way home, my son gave me the thumbs up and said, “Mom, you really are brave. I was scared out of my wits earlier.” Given this was our first meeting, I had to agree that my son’s reaction was normal. This courage of mine, to tell them about Falun Gong, had been unexpected, yet I also knew I could not keep this a secret from my son’s girlfriend and her family. As a cultivator who practices Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, I had to tell them the truth.
Falun Dafa restored my physical health and improved my mental state. I have become calmer, while my perspective on things has changed. I feel lighter and more carefree. I have learned how to remain kind in this secular world, and not be enticed by fame and wealth. Most importantly, Falun Dafa has shown me the true meaning of life and enabled me to obtain true happiness.
I know that every step I take is filled with Master’s painstaking efforts and compassionate guidance. Without Master’s protection, I would not be here today. As a Falun Dafa practitioner during the Fa-rectification period, I will continue my efforts to clarify the truth, validate the Fa, and save sentient beings.
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