(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. and Mrs. Zhang are from Dalian City, Liaoning Province. They were in New York visiting family and planned to spend Chinese New Year in New York. Their daughter and son-in-law invited them to attend the third Chinese New Year Splendor show, and they both have lasting impressions from the first time they experienced the Divine Performing Arts.

Mr. Zhang from Dalian City, Liaoning Province
Honored to Enjoy a Top Performance
Mr. Zhang has the northern Chinese characteristic of being open and optimistic. He said that he was very honored to see a professional-class artistic performance. He has attended shows in China, but they were definitely different from the Divine Performing Arts show, a professional quality show. His favorite performances were "Drummers of the Tang Court," "In the Changbai Mountains," and "Lightness and Grace." He especially liked the drummers, as they were so powerful. They resonated in the audience's soul and made everyone feel reborn. He could not stop praising it.
Mr. Zhang said he was lucky to see a first-class artistic performance by the Divine Performing Arts Company, and it made his Chinese New Year extraordinary.
Divine Performing Arts Makes Chinese Proud
Mrs. Zhang said that the entire show was very high quality, including the singing, dancing, costumes, and scenery. The high-tech scenery backgrounds were very effective and attractive. Mrs. Zhang had difficulty deciding which program was her favorite, as she liked them all. "Nymphs of the Sea" truly treated the audience to beauty, with fairies floating on the water.
She also commented that the dance choreography was excellent. She could feel that the dancers were very diligent. She said that none of the shows she saw in China could compare with this one. This show presented Chinese culture through art. The wonderful theater also helped the entire audience of all nationalities to enjoy the show. The show brought pride to the Chinese people.
Mrs. Zhang said China was trying to stimulate the economy and the improvement of people's lives materially, but morality and integrity have dramatically declined. This evening's show could help uplift moral standards, enrich people's positive thoughts, and help audience members realize the benefits of these values. She applauded the whole second half, stood up after the show ended, and waved good-bye to all the performers.
February 2, 2008