(Clearwisdom.net) On March 15, fifteen Canadian practitioners participated in a rally and a parade that were organized to protest the Chinese Communist regime's arbitrary killing of practitioners in Sujiatun Concentration Camp and harvesting their organs. The 15 practitioners then started a 72-hour hunger strike in order to raise public awareness of the atrocities.

Practitioners held a 3-day hunger strike to raise awareness of the concentration camp
Braving freezing temperatures and the bone-chilling wind, fifteen practitioners sat in the snow quietly to protest the killing of their fellow practitioners detained in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp. Their actions received support and concern from numerous kind-hearted people, who signed the practitioners' petition. Local media including City TV, the Sun, Ottawa Citizen, Central News Agency and CTV News reported on this event.
1. Heartfelt Wish of Hunger Strikers
The fifteen practitioner hunger strikers include Xin Liu, Meiling Tian, Yunqin Huang, Yu Zhao, Jinju Wang, Yujiao Guo, Hongmin Wang, Yumin Zhang, Xiuzhen Huang, Xiuqin Liao, Yuer Li, Guofu Li, Shaofeng Li and Xiaoyang Gao.
Yunqin Huan is 73. She said: "My siblings in China practice Falun Gong. Some of their fellow practitioners have disappeared for a long time, and they could have been murdered in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp. With this 3-day hunger strike, I want to call people's attention to the camp."
Meiling Tian has practiced Falun Gong for 8 years. She said, "The whole family of my daughter's neighbor practices Falun Gong. One day, their house was ransacked and the son has disappeared for good. I call on the Canadian government to help us to rescue all of the practitioners who are being persecuted by the communist regime."
Jinju Wan said, "In the past several days, a voice repeatedly asked me for help. I can't remain silent anymore. I call on the Canadian government and all kind-hearted people to take action to end the Chinese Communist regime's persecution of Falun Gong. I call on the media to bring attention to the Sujiatun Concentration Camp."
Yuzhao just came to Canada from China. With tears, she told a reporter, "I know the persecution of Mainland practitioners very well and I know the nature of the CCP. When I first heard the news of the Sujiatun Concentration Camp, I knew that it was well within the CCP's capability and way of doing things."
2. "How Can They Persecute Such a Peaceful Group of People so Brutally?"

The gentleman is very concerned about the situation of practitioners in China
With a petition form in his hand, Goudel listened attentively to a practitioner's introduction. He then stared at practitioners who were meditating and pondered for a while. In the end, he said, "People are persecuted for doing such a peaceful practice. This is too brutal and inhumane. How can they persecute such a peaceful group of people so brutally?"
3. "You Guys are Great!"

A passerby said: "You guys are great!"
A Montreal gentleman said that he was shocked when he first read the practitioners' flier. After listening to an introduction, he said: "Jiang Zemin is so evil and has committed so many crimes out of self-interest. Some people are really pitiful, as they have done so many things against their own conscience for personal interests."
He also commented that the communist party should be happy for having such a peaceful group and wondered why it would persecute them.
In the end, he said: "You guys are great. You have sacrificed so much for Falun Gong practitioners in China. I wish you a lot of luck."
4. Police Officer Take the Initiative to Learn about the Truth

A police office came on his initiative to learn about the truth
Upon seeing practitioners who were conducting hunger strikes, a police officer came to talk with a practitioner. He asked, "I am very concerned about their [hunger strikers'] safety. Can you tell me what is going on?" The practitioner told him about the nature of the Chinese Communist Party and the secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp. After listening attentively, the officer repeatedly said, "It is appalling! Why? Why does China allow it happen?"
In the end, he said, "The human rights record of China is very bad and the whole world know that. However, I didn't know it is so brutal."
Category: Rallies & Protests