(Clearwisdom.net) (Summary report of media coverage by Minghui/Clearwisdom correspondent)
After the news of Sujiatun Concentration Camp's illegally harvesting and selling of human organs from Falun Gong practitioners was made public, people from all circles are condemning the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) atrocities in the secret killing of practitioners that is similar to what took place in the Nazi concentration camps.
Falun Dafa Association of Canada Condemns CCP's Killing of Practitioners
Central News reported on March 12 and 13 that Falun Gong practitioners strongly condemned the CCP regime's atrocities. Falun Gong practitioners in Canada held a press conference in front of the Chinese Embassy on March 11 in Ottawa. Mr. Joel Chipkar, spokesperson for the Falun Dafa Association of Canada, discussed the concentration camp at the press conference. Through the investigation of a Chinese journalist in China, it has been revealed that the secret concentration camp in Shenyang kills Falun Gong practitioners who are transferred from other regions, and harvests their organs in order to obtain huge illegal profit. The Association strongly condemns the CCP's inhuman atrocities and urgently calls on the international community to immediately stop the brutal killing of innocent people.
Mr. Chipkar said that a higher price would be paid if we kept silent on the CCP's killing of Falun Gong practitioners. He emphasized that through the media, these inhuman atrocities would be made public.
Mr. Chipkar said that in Sujiatun, Shenyang, there is a secret concentration camp. Around the camp is a nine-foot tall wall, on which a high voltage line has been installed to prohibit access over the wall. In the camp, there is a crematorium. There are many doctors in the camp whose purpose is to kill Falun Gong practitioners and harvest their organs. The doctors sell the organs and obtain huge profits.
Mr. Chipkar said that on October 1, 2000 AFP reported there were two concentration camps in Shenyang and countless practitioners were imprisoned. The US Department of State issued an international human rights report on March 8, pointing out that the CCP regime sells human organs and persecutes Falun Gong practitioners.
The Falun Dafa Association of Canada strongly condemned the CCP's inhuman atrocities and urgently called on the international community to immediately stop the CCP's killing of innocent people. The association urged the United Nations and other related international organizations to immediately organize an independent investigation team to investigate the CCP's atrocities at Sujiatun.
Falun Dafa Association of Taiwan Protests the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
Central News reported on March 12 that the Falun Dafa Association of Taiwan posted many photos showing practitioners tortured in China, to protest the CCP's persecution and to call on people of all circles to help rescue over 6,000 practitioners being imprisoned in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp.
The Falun Dafa Association of Taiwan held a press conference in front of Wufu High School, Gaohsing. Professor Chen Chengcheng from Gaohsing Medical College and Lu Youyi, an architecture specialist, were invited to the press conference to expose the CCP's persecution. There were large photos and banners at the conference site, catching the attention of many local people.
The association called on all people of conscience and righteousness to sternly condemn and help stop the CCP's atrocities.

Dr. Su Suhuan, spokesperson for the South Taiwan Society, issues a statement to condemn the CCP's atrocities and support righteousness
South Taiwan Society Condemns CCP's Killing of Falun Gong Practitioners and Selling their Organs
Taiwan Daily reported on March 13 that a group of Falun Gong practitioners gathered in Gaohsing. With the support of the South Taiwan Society and other organizations, they exposed the CCP regime's atrocity of killing practitioners in China. The practitioners pointed out that the CCP regime has not only illegally detained over 6,000 practitioners in Sujiatun, but that they torture them to death and harvest their organs for huge profit on the black market. The practitioners' remains are then cremated in the camp's crematorium to destroy the evidence.
The practitioners pointed out that the CCP is acting like Nazis in the horrible killings in the concentration camp. They hoped that the practitioners imprisoned in Sujiatun will be rescued soon and that the evil CCP regime will be disintegrated soon.
On the afternoon the day before, a group of practitioners gathered in front of Wufu High School and held a press conference entitled, "Urgent Call to Rescue 6,000 Innocent Lives! Condemn the CCP's Illegal Harvesting and Selling of Practitioners' Organs." Through the press conference, the CCP's atrocities in killing practitioners were exposed to the local residents. Dr. Chen Chengzong, professor of Gaohsing Medical College and representative of the South Taiwan Society, Dr. Su Suhuan, spokesperson of the South Taiwan Society, Lu Youyi, an architecture specialist, Dr. Shen Shuwen, a doctor from the pediatric heart department in a major hospital in China, and Chang Fuchang, a representative from the Global Coalition to Renounce the CCP, South Region, were present to support the practitioners. There were many poster boards supporting an urgent SOS call for help, and huge banners to protest and condemn the CCP's atrocities.
Spokesperson Chong Qimei of the Falun Dafa Association of South Taiwan pointed out that the CCP has illegally imprisoned 6,000 practitioners in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp, where there are many doctors and a crematorium. Practitioners are tortured to death there and the doctors harvest their organs and sell them on the black market for a huge profit. The practitioners' remains are cremated in an on-site crematorium to destroy any evidence.

Dr. Nie Shuwen, a pediatrician from China, gives a speech
Atrocities at Sujiatun Concentration Camp Exposed in Gaohsing, Taiwan
Taiwan Satellite TV Channel TVBS covered the news on March 12. Gaohsing residents holding photos of practitioners being tortured pointed out that the CCP regime has set up a concentration camp in Sujiatun to torture practitioners and harvest their organs for profit.
The report stated that in Gaohsing, in the afternoon, there was non-governmental group protesting the CCP's violence. They held photos showing the CCP violence in treating dissidents. The CCP regime tortures people in a concentration camp and harvests their organs for profit.
The report further stated that the victims in the photos were beaten until they had bruises and cuts over their whole body. The protesting group said, "When the practitioners are tortured to death, doctors then harvest their organs."
The photos are horrible to see. One photo showed the corpse of a person with Y-shaped scars resulting from the removal of organs. Even the brains from the dead are removed. The group said, "Underground companies looking for human organs go to Sujiatun directly."
In China, the deaths of more than 2,800 Falun Gong practitioners due to police torture have been documented. More than 6,000 practitioners have been sentenced to prison. More than 100,000 have been sent to labor camps. Thousands of practitioners have been sent to mental hospitals for persecution. Many more practitioners are persecuted and their families broken up or they are forced to stay away from home to avoid arrest. It is believed that the exposure of Sujiatun Concentration Camp will create widespread attention in society. Kind-hearted people will be awakened and the culprits in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners will be brought to justice.
Falun Gong Protests CCP's Killing of Practitioners and Selling of their Organs
Taiwan FORMOSA TV reported on March 12 that practitioners protested against the CCP regime for its Sujiatun Concentration Camp, which is similar to a Nazi concentration camp. More than 6,000 practitioners are illegally imprisoned there. They are tortured to death and their organs are harvested to sell on the black market. The report stated that the situation is horrible. The bloody photos protested the CCP regime's trampling of human rights. Even more terrible is that the practitioners tortured to death become a source of human organs. Doctors from China provide witness to the concentration camp located in Sujiatun, Shenyang. The protest was supported by Taiwanese medical doctors, who called on people from all walks of life in Taiwan to pay attention to the matter.
Category: Organ Harvesting