Team Yellow Translation

Team Blue Translation

Image for article Washington DC: Candlelight Vigil Held to Mourn Victims of 22 Years of Persecution

More than 1000 Falun Gong practitioners held a candlelight vigil at the Washington Monument in solemn remembrance of practitioners who were persecuted to death for refusing to give up their spiritual belief.

Image for article New York: Lawmakers Call to End the Persecution in China During Orange County Rally

State Senator Mike Martucci said in his speech at the Falun Gong rally in Upstate New York: “Why are CCP leaders, military, intelligence, and media so afraid of a peaceful group? The answer is that the regime wants to control people."

Image for article Toronto, Canada: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Activities to Peacefully Protest the 22-Year-Long Persecution

Falun Dafa practitioners held a series of activities in downtown Toronto to protest the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 22-year-long persecution. 

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