(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, was made public first in Changchun, Jilin Province, China on May 13, 1992 by its founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi. The practice has spread to over 100 countries since then.

May 13 was declared “World Falun Dafa Day” in 2000. On the occasion of the 20th Falun Dafa Day and also the 68th birthday of Mr. Li, elected officials in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Maryland issued a special tribute, certificate and congratulatory letters to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and to commend the ancient spiritual practice.

Michigan: State Senator and Representative Issue Special Tribute

Special tribute from Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow and State Representative Padma Kuppa.

Pennsylvania: Congratulatory Letters from Member of Congress, State Senator and State Representative

From left to right: U.S. Representative Mike Doyle, State Senator Lindsey M. Williams and State Representative Anita Astorino KulikLetter from Mike Doyle, Member of Congress.State Senator Lindsey M. WilliamsLetter from State Representative Anita Astorino Kulik

Maryland: Member of Congress Issues Certificate

David Trone, Member of Congress from MarylandCertificate of Special Congressional Recognition from Congressman Trone

Relevant articles in Chinese: Pennsylvania and Maryland