(Minghui.org) New English translations (online-versions) of Dafa books have been completed by Dafa disciples on the Blue Team by volunteer translators in 2017 and 2018. They are now published online as follows:

Other online-version Dafa books will be added to the above lists one by one as they go through the proofreading process. No additional notices will be posted on the list updates. We welcome everyone's feedback (books@minghui.org) to help us to continue improving the books' translation, layout, and proofreading.

We'd also like to address a question that practitioners have been asking for years: There is as yet no timetable for when the new English translations will appear in print format. For various reasons, there is also no timetable for when [Master's] lectures in Chinese that were written after Teaching the Fa at the Conference XI in May 2012 will be compiled and printed.

Minghui Editorial BoardSeptember 30, 2018

Download full list of translations with links

Real-time updates on the lists can be found  here.