(Minghui.org) The re-trial of two Falun Gong practitioners on June 8th was filled with court drama. One defense lawyer was denied the right to represent one of the practitioners. The presiding judge repeatedly ordered a recess, as she dodged protests from defendants and their lawyers for the court's violation of legal procedure.

Lawyer Unlawfully Denied Right to Represent Client

The re-trial of Ms. Yu Guimin and Ms. Yang Xiuhua was held in the Fularji District Court in Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang on June 8th.

When Ms. Yu Guimin entered the courtroom, she noticed that only one of her two defense lawyers was present. She asked presiding judge Qiu Hong about it.

Attorney Wang Lei was her defense lawyer during her first trial. He was removed from the courtroom during the trial because he defended her constitutional rights and challenged the judge.

Qiu told Ms. Yu that she did not allow him to defend her because of his actions during the first trial. However, Ms. Yu defended Wang's actions and refused to back down. She requested that Qiu reverse her decision.

The other two defense lawyers in the courtroom also agreed with Ms. Yu and stated that it was illegal for Qiu to interfere in the selection of the defense attorney.

Qiu ordered a recess at that point and cut off the conversation.

Prosecutor Disrupts Court Order

After the trial resumed, Ms. Yu and Ms. Yang continued to protest and hoped to bring Wang back to the courtroom. Qiu ignored them and continued with the trial.

Prosecutor Li Jianjun suddenly came up to Ms. Yu and rebuked her. The defense lawyers protested Li's behavior, and Ms. Yu requested that Li be recused from the case.

Qiu then declared another recess.

The hearing resumed 10 minutes later, but soon Qiu ordered another recess for lunch.

Judge Rejects Recusal Request

After the trial began in the afternoon, the two practitioners continued to request that the prosecutor be recused from the trial. Qiu rejected their request again and continued with the trial.

When the defense lawyers protested again, Qiu ordered another recess.

When the hearing resumed after 3:00 p.m., Qiu announced her decision that the prosecutor will remain on the case. The defense lawyer pointed out that Qiu did not have authority to make such a decision.

Inadmissible Evidence

When the hearing continued, the defense lawyers emphasized that their clients broke no law by exercising their constitutional right to freedom of belief. They indicated that the evidence submitted by the prosecutor was illegal since they were submitted without the defendants' signatures.

The two practitioners also testified to how Falun Gong had returned them to health and asked for an acquittal.

The hearing ended without a verdict.


Ms. Yu Guimin and Ms. Yang Xiuhua were first tried by the Fularji District Court on November 3, 2015. Both of them were sentenced to three years in prison despite defense lawyer Wang Lei's strong defense. Detail information is available atQiqihar Judges Disallow Attorney from Defending Practitioners.

Wang later approached the Qiqihar City Procuratorate, the Heilongjiang Provincial High Court, and the Provincial Procuratorate to file a complaint against the trial judge of the Fularji District Court for violations of courtroom procedure, which led to the re-trial.