(Minghui.org) Ms. Li Rujin from Linzhou City was doing chores at home on July 13 when seven plainclothes officers broke in and dragged her outside. They demanded to take her into custody because she had filed a criminal complaint against former Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin for initiating the persecution of Falun Gong that resulted in her past detentions.

Ms. Li managed to get away, but the police followed her back inside the house and held her down.

A relative who happened to be with Ms. Li at the time ran out of the house when police were not looking. She called Ms. Li’s son and son-in-law, who rushed home.

The two young men confronted the police, questioning why they were arresting Ms. Li. The officers admitted they were following orders to arrest local Falun Gong practitioners who had filed criminal complaints against Jiang.

Ms. Li’s son-in-law warned the police they were breaking the law, “The law requires police to show IDs before searching citizen’s homes. You don’t wear uniforms or have any IDs with you. We could sue you for intruding into private homes!”

The police left after hearing this. Ms. Li’s son and son-in-law, however, doubt if she is completely out of the woods. She was detained for two days in late May for her lawsuit against Jiang, and her husband, Mr. Feng Youfu, remains detained following his arrest on April 6 of this year for also suing Jiang.


In 1999, Jiang Zemin, as head of the Chinese Communist Party, overrode other Politburo standing committee members and launched the violent suppression of Falun Gong.

The persecution has led to the deaths of many Falun Gong practitioners in the past 16 years. More have been tortured for their belief and even killed for their organs. Jiang Zemin is directly responsible for the inception and continuation of the brutal persecution.

Under his personal direction, the Chinese Communist Party established an extralegal security organ, the “610 Office,” on June 10, 1999. The organization overrides police forces and the judicial system in carrying out Jiang's directive regarding Falun Gong: to ruin their reputations, cut off their financial resources, and destroy them physically.

Chinese law allows for citizens to be plaintiffs in criminal cases, and many practitioners are now exercising that right to file criminal complaints against the former dictator.

Related Report: Three Practitioners from Henan Province Arrested for Suing Jiang Zemin