(Minghui.org) Getting hooked on constantly using WeChat can be terribly destructive. If practitioners don’t follow the Fa’s requirements, we will denigrate the Fa and destroy ourselves. I would like to share my own experience to awaken practitioners who are still attached to WeChat.

My family downloaded WeChat at the end of 2015. My daughter got me to try it earlier this year. It indeed is very convenient and contains a lot of information.

When I started using it, I began to change. I could not focus when sending forth righteous thoughts, studying the Fa, or doing the exercises. I no longer worked hard. My mind was filled with those substances. I felt weak and sluggish.

I started to show symptoms of sickness. I was not clearminded. I could not fall asleep, so I tried to read the Fa. One day, while I was studying the Fa, I suddenly thought about some shocking news on WeChat that I had shared with my sister.

I wanted to find it to share with more friends on WeChat. I had already seen it as being more important than the Fa. While looking for that news on WeChat, I encountered a lot of information about Jiang Zemin, Mao Zedong, the evil Chinese Communist Party’s flag, and other ugly things. I felt my eyes weren’t my own at that point.

Things got worse. One day, I was home alone and started bleeding. It lasted for several days and I became extremely thin and weak. I still did not realize what I did wrong. The WeChat information seemed to have occupied my entire mind.

I lost my righteous thoughts and started thinking that I was dying… All of a sudden, my heart felt as if it was being gripped by someone. I started to fall and lost consciousness.

I did not know how long I had passed out. I felt a string pull me back and had this thought: are these substances harming me and taking me away?

Suddenly I gained energy and negated the thought of dying. I begged Master to help me: Master, I know that I was wrong. My mind was wrong. Please save me!

I tried my hardest to send forth righteous thoughts. Although I was wrong, I do not belong to any beings. I will rectify myself in the Fa and will not allow the evil to persecute me. Everything is up to my Master!

I was fortunate to read Master’s Fa recently. I was finally able to see my issues. Master says,

“I have just said, everything in this world is attracting you, not letting you obtain the Fa. Not just you, all parents and governments in the world know about this situation, but no one can do anything! This involves not just the issue of people obtaining the Fa. People have also been so affected that they cannot work well, cannot focus on their studies, and they spend a large amount of time on the computer and electronic games—these things tempt you to watch and play them. This is no longer a human state. From antiquity till today humans have not had this state. This is aliens’ technology, and demons are utilizing it to get you hooked, get you to abandon everything you have, and have you devote yourself to it. It’s wasting your life, yet you are loath to put it down! Even from the perspective of being human you are not right, let alone in cultivation.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2016 New York Fa Conference”)

After I studied the Fa, I realized how terrible shape I was in. Fa rectification has almost reached the end, and this has become such a serious issue.

I immediately uninstalled WeChat. A month later, I recovered. I know there are still some practitioners hooked on WeChat and do not realize its harmful effects. Since I almost became a victim, I would like to share my experience so others could benefit from it.

We have to ensure that we walk very straight on our cultivation path. If we Dafa practitioners do not fulfill our own vows, how would we be able to go back to our own homes? If we do not follow the Fa’s requirements, we would be defaming the Fa and destroying ourselves.

This is my personal understanding. Please point out anything inappropriate.