(Minghui.org) Ms. Fei Shuqin, 69, has developed health problems since her arrest in March 2013 for practicing Falun Gong, a spiritual practice being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party. She has been rushed to the hospital twice and developed a mass in her uterus.

Ms. Fei is currently serving a 13-year term at Heilongjiang Women's Prison after going through various detention facilities. During a recent medical examination required by the prison, the doctors discovered that her uterine fibroid tumor has grown to the size of a fist.

The prison demanded that she pay for her own surgery to remove the mass, to which she objected. Once a single mother who had to raise four children alone, she became depressed and struggled with chronic ailments. It was Falun Gong that turned her into a healthy person, but the illegal imprisonment and maltreatment wrecked her health.

Both Ms. Fei and her family feel the prison should be responsible for her health condition.

Ms. Fei was arrested together with 60 other Falun Gong practitioners in early 2013 under the order of the governor of Heilongjiang Province. Fourteen of them, including Ms. Fei, were sentenced to 3 to13 years of imprisonment after five seperate trials.

Ms. Fei fainted during her trial on August 21, 2013, but was brought back to finish the trial after being resuscitated at a hospital.