(Minghui.org) Mr. Li Zhiqin, a Falun Gong practitioner from Xiaozao Village, Ningjin County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, died on September 12, 2007. His death was a result of being violently abused by officers from the police department and Domestic Security Division, who broke into his home.

Mr. Li's family asked for compensation, but the Ningjin Police Department repeatedly fabricated information to hide the real cause of Mr. Li's death.

Ningjin Police Department submitted fabricated materials again to the Hebei Province High Court on September 13, 2013, which included the material issued by the Xiaozao Village Party Branch. It stated, "This is to verify that Falun Gong practitioner Li Zhiqin from our village died from a severe heart attack on September 13, 2007.

"Li Zhiqin's son Li Guang, uncle Li Yinzeng, and other family members were notified to be present at the police department when deputy director Li Chensuo announced Li Zhenqin's death in the conference room, in the presence of Party branch secretary Wang Guizhen, village head Zhang Yunbo, and three other village officials.

"On the evening of September 14, after communicating with and explaining to them, Li Zhiqin's family members, including Li Yinzeng, Li Guang, Li Yinxue, and Li Mi, expressed no objection to the fact that Li Zhiqin died from a severe heart attack and agreed to his immediate cremation. About 10 days after the cremation, Li Yinzeng received 10,000 yuan from the aid fund.--Village Party Branch of Xiaozao Village, Fenghuang Town, Ningjin County. September 13, 2013."

The official seal of the Village Party Branch of Xiaozao Village was stamped on this paper.

The truth is, at a little past 10:30 p.m. on September 20, 2007, Mr. Li Zhiqin was sleeping in a rental in Zhao County when several people broke in, grabbed him, and started to beat him. When Mr. Li's son Li Guang asked them what they were doing, they pulled his hair and held him down on the floor. Mr. Li's wife heard the commotion and came from another room, but she was prevented from entering. After some time Mr. Li was carried out, his head dangling down. When police tried to cuff him, Mr. Li could not stand up. Four people carried him away. Before they took him out of the yard, Mr. Li's wife heard her husband make one last sound, a long sigh.

The next day, September 13, Li Guang looked everywhere for his father. That evening he was told that his father had died. On the evening of September 14, somebody called them, saying that Mr. Li's remains would be cremated at the Xingtai Funeral Parlor and only four family members would be allowed to go the funeral. On September 15, Mr. Li's three children and their wives, together with his uncle Li Yinzeng, were driven to the funeral parlor by police officers.

Li Guang asked to see his father's remains, the police said that he had to sign the agreement to cremate first, so Li Guang signed. Mr. Li's children were only allowed to have a glance at the body. They noticed that his body was scratched and covered with bruises. A person claiming to be a Procuratorate officer told them, "We will give you a satisfactory response." After the funeral, the civilian department of the local government gave Mr. Li Zhiqin's father Li Yinlai 10,000 yuan, saying that it was for Li Zhiqin's parent's medical expenses.

Ningjin County Police Department covered up the fact that Mr. Li was beaten to death by the officers, and that his body was forcibly cremated afterwards. The Xiaozao Village Party Branch also fabricated materials to hide the truth.

In 2012, Mr. Li's family members found two inconsistent pieces of information. The "Credential Letter for Cremation" issued by the Ningjin County Police Department to the funeral parlor stated that Li Zhiqin's death was caused by a severe heart attack. However, the statement issued by the Zhao County Hospital specified the cause of death as "sudden cessation of heartbeat and breath, all rescue measures proved ineffectual." The hospital did not say it was a heart attack that caused his death. The Ningjin Police Department tried to conceal the real cause of Li Zhiqin's death: their violence.

On the left: The death statement issued by the Zhao County Hospital;On the right: The "Credential Letter for Cremation" issued by the Ningjin County Police Department, which was supposed to be based on the hospital's statement, labeled the cause of Mr. Li's death as "severe heart attack."

When Mr. Li's family went to the Hebei Province High Court, the court rejected their appeal without an investigation or trial. The lawyers hired by Mr. Li's family listed the illegality of the Hebei High Court's actions in their appeal statement.

On the morning of March 13, 2014, the two lawyers filed an appeal with the Supreme Court in Beijing. The Supreme Court requested they add materials and contacted the Hebei High Court, which responded to the local court. A police officer from the Domestic Security Division in Ningjin County soon called Li Zhiqin's son, and threatened him, "Do you want to live? If not, then continue poking around!"

Mr. Li Zhiqin always tried to live by Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, doing business honestly and enjoying health and happiness. When he was beaten to death, he was only 51 years old. When his family tried to appeal they were arrested, followed, and threatened by the local police department. They were ignored by the Procuratorate and turned away by the High Court without trial.