(Minghui.org) The Indonesia Falun Dafa Divine Land Marching Band was invited to perform three times at the Gandaria City Shopping Mall in Jakarta during the holiday season in December 2012. The Band's performances drew warm applause from spectators, and also left a deep impression on the mall's management, who invited the practitioners back in January to demonstrate the five sets of Falun Gong exercises on its central stage for their customers.


The Indonesian Divine Land Marching Band performs on central stage in Gandaria City Shopping Mall


Falun Dafa practitioners demonstrate the five sets of exercises


Audience members learn to do the exercises


Spectators learn to practice Falun Gong exercises

Practitioners once again came to Gandaria at 3:00 p.m. on January 27, 2013, to introduce Falun Dafa. More than 20 practitioners demonstrated the exercises on stage, while another explained to the audience what Falun Gong is about, and how one can gain both physical and mental health through practicing Falun Gong. He also shared his experience of cultivation in Falun Dafa.

Several audience members and children learned to do the five sets of exercises on the spot. Practitioners helped them with their movements, and handed out truth clarification materials. After the exercise demonstration, some audience members asked some related questions, including about Falun Dafa being persecuted in China and information about local practice sites.