(Clearwisdom.net) On the afternoon of July 20, 2011, Ukraine Falun Gong practitioners held activities in front of the Chinese Embassy in the capital city of Kiev to protest the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of the practice.

Ukraine Falun Gong practitioners protest the CCP persecution in front of the Chinese Embassy

Several practitioners stood in rows and demonstrated the five graceful Falun Gong exercises on the sidewalk across from the Chinese Embassy. Other practitioners exposed the CCP's atrocities by re-enacting CCP forms of torture. Many passersby signed to support Falun Gong practitioners' efforts to end the persecution.

Unlike in previous years, many Ukraine official media reported this year's event. During an interview, the reporters were touched by Falun Gong practitioners' great compassion and tolerance. Some of of them signed the petition to support practitioners' endeavors to stop the persecution at the end of the interview.

Signing the petition to support practitioners' efforts to end the persecution

During the event, a few staff members from the Chinese Embassy came out to take photos of the banners the Falun Gong practitioners were holding. A Chinese practitioner greeted them and asked to talk with them, but the Embassy officials refused. Then the practitioner said to them, “All Chinese people know that Falun Dafa is good!”