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Clearwisdom Weekly Persecution News - June 30 ~ July 6, 2008

July 07, 2008 |  

June 30

On May 26, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Haibin was arrested again. He had been arrested and sentenced to four years in prison for distributing truth clarification materials in 2000. Ever since his arrest on May 26, he has been on a hunger strike in protest.

July 1

Due to the persecution, Ms. Wang Pinrui and her mother were forced to be destitute. While they traveled to Baicheng City, Jilin Province, the local police arrested her. She is currently detained in the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp and is often brutally beaten.

July 2

Mr. Zhao Shouzhu died in a hospital soon after being violently force-fed, and injected with unidentified drugs, while in custody.

Falun Gong Practitioners are forced to write "guarantee letters" to stop their practice of Falun Gong and are tortured if they refuse.

July 3

Ms. Wang Shuxia, 45 years old, died after just 48 hours in Shenyang City Prison. The prison said she died of a stoke, but her family saw many injuries when allowed to view her body after death.

A young student mentions an interest in Falun Gong on his blog, leading to a major police reaction.

July 4

This is the latest in a series of imprisonments that have left Mr. Feng in poor health, but the authorities have refused his family's request for medical treatment.

July 5

Chinese Communist authorities have engaged in a coordinated effort to arrest Falun Gong practitioners and to defame the Falun Gong community by planting false news stories.

July 6

Another example of the arrest of Falun Gong practitioners in large scale under the guise of the Olympic Games in China.

Clearwisdom.net and its Chinese-language sister-website (minghui.ca) provide first-hand reports about the horrors of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Dozens of reports are received every day from the victims of torture, the wrongfully imprisoned, and families crippled by the senseless hardship and grief for their loved ones imposed by the persecution. In contrast, the websites also report positive news and events from the more than 80 countries around the world where Falun Gong is practiced, and serve as an online forum for practitioners to share stories of the good things Falun Gong has brought to their lives. For more information, please contact editor@clearwisdom.net.