The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong -- July 4, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Tianhe District Court in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province Illegally Sentences Mr. Feng Zhigang to Four Years
  • This is the latest in a series of imprisonments that have left Mr. Feng in poor health, but the authorities have refused his family's request for medical treatment.

    Tianhe District Court in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province Illegally Sentences Mr. Feng Zhigang to Four Years

    In 1996, Mr. Feng Zhigang was employed at Huangshi Aluminum Galvanization Factory in Huangshi City, Hubei Province. His supervisors consistently recognized him as a model worker and even the local police agreed that he was an outstanding citizen.

    After Jiang Zemin's gang started persecuting Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, the local Communist Party agents continually harassed Mr. Feng to the point that he was forced to leave home for more than six months to avoid being persecuted.

    In early 2001, Mr. Feng went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. The police illegally arrested him and took him back to Guangzhou where he was detained for about six weeks. He was later illegally sentenced to one and a half years in Shizishan Forced Labor Camp in Wuhan City, Hubei Province.

    During his incarceration, he was brutally persecuted and beaten to the brink of death. Afraid of accepting responsibility for his condition, the guards waited until March 2002 to notify his family of his health condition. He was later released on bail for medical treatment.

    Mr. Feng was so severely tortured that his rib area developed ulcers and his lungs filled with fluid. In surgery, three of his ribs had to be shortened, and he barely made it through the operation. However, he continued practicing Falun Gong and he fully recovered.

    In August 2005, Mr. Feng was arrested again, this time at a friend's home in Huangshi City. He was brutally beaten and illegally sentenced to two and a half years in Shayang Forced Labor Camp.

    Due to the mental and physical torture he was forced to endure, his health steadily worsened. Later he was released on bail for medical treatment. However, due to the continuous harassment from the local police, Mr. Feng was forced to leave home in early 2006 to avoid further persecution.

    On September 23, 2007, Mr. Feng was arrested by Tianhe Police Station and the 610 Office in Tianhe District, Guangzhou City. While being held in solitary confinement in Tianhe Detention Center, Mr. Feng's body became weak and bloated. On numerous occasions, his family traveled long distances to visit him, but each time they arrived, the guards would not allow them to see Mr. Feng.

    On May 30, 2008, Tianhe District Court in Guangzhou City illegally sentenced Mr. Feng to four years in a forced labor camp - despite the fact that Mr. Feng entered a not-guilty plea and local practitioners clarified the truth to the court. When the CCP administrators read aloud the verdict, Mr. Feng felt nauseated and vomited.

    Seeing the futility of going through these ridiculous court formalities, Mr. Feng went from seeking an appeal to refusing to appeal. Mr. Feng and his family firmly rejected the court's verdict. They know first hand that the CCP has never followed the law in its treatment of Falun Gong.

    Mr. Feng is currently "illegally detained" at Tianhe Detention Center. Due to endless rounds of torture, Mr. Feng is now suffering from severe internal injuries. On numerous occasions his family has requested that the Guangzhou City's law-enforcement departments release Mr. Feng on bail, for medical treatment. However, to date, his family has not received a reply.