(Clearwisdom.net) The Divine Performing Arts Touring Company presented the Chinese New Year Spectacular at the Hilton Theater in Las Vegas on the evening of January 21, 2008. The show drew a diverse audience that gave the show high marks.

Ms. Pat Johnson
Ms. Pat Johnson is a bank director, and she came to see the show with her colleagues. Because she had an appointment that day and her husband was waiting for her, she had to leave without seeing the entire performance.
Ms. Johnson said, "Though I only saw part of the show, I saw that it was wonderful. I have to recommend it. Though I have an appointment and have to leave early, I enjoyed what I saw very much. I believe such a wonderful show must come to Las Vegas again. I'll definitely see it then. When they go to other cities to perform, I may go to another city to see it. I may go to San Francisco for it."